W2NDG's RadioKitGuide.com UPDATED 6/16/2021
Some time ago, I attempted to research sources for kits on the Internet, only to find out that there wasn't a one-stop-website for Ham Radio kit suppliers.
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QRPGuys AFP-FSK Digital Transceiver III |
for QRP operation, but a few are full-featured professional transceivers (Elecraft, DZ). On the beginners side there are a few sources that stand out: QRPguy.com has a great assortment of kits. QRPme offers the inexpensive, easy-to-build tuna-can products, and I would like to make special mention
of the Four State QRP Group Kits some which have the coils etched right into the PC board! What a great idea! I've covered transmitters, transceivers, and some receivers here. Some accessories are mentioned in the source descriptions.
Revised June 2021: I've learned that updating the page is quite a chore, and I can't get to it as often as I like, but I will try to make a better effort at incremental changes. There are several new kits worth checking out, at QRPguys.com, Four State QRP, and Walford.
Enjoy, and feel free to email me any corrections, or additions.--Neil, W2NDG
(neil -at- neilgoldstein -dot- com)
-24hrsradioshop (eBay). http://stores.ebay.com/24hrsradioshop This eBay seller does not have any Ham-related transmitter, receiver, or transceiver kits, but sells a variety of AM and FM radio kits, as well as a Morse code oscillator for soldering practice, or just personal enjoyment. Nice selection of variable caps too for your homebrew projects.
-Amateur Radio Kits.in. http://amateurradiokits.in/
-Assorted Chinese kits on AliExpress. https://bit.ly/2OYINVm There are several version of each category all based on simple designs that most Hams know. Crystal controlled kits come with crystals for 7023 kHz, but can be changed by the builder for any other 40 Meter crystal. Pixie requires one crystal, Frog needs two, and the Super RockMite needs three, all the same freq.
-Breadboard Radio. http://breadboardradio.com Breadboard radio makes a few nice kits, all with a wooden breadboard –like base that the PC board attaches to when finished. A couple of new products have arrived since the last update. They also carry a few accessory kits including an audio filter, a tuner, code practice oscillator, dummy load, and two antennas.
-Cycle 24 Kits (eBay). http://cycle24kits.com/
-Dan’s Small Parts and Kits. http://www.danssmallpartsandkits.net/ Mostly parts here of interest to the radio hobbyist but there are some kits about ⅔ of the way down the page. This seems like the place to get parts for some of these QRP kits above, like crystal-socket pins, and variable capacitors. Great assortment of stuff! In additon to the transmitters below there is an amp kit, an RIT, ans S Meter kit, and much more.
-DZ Kit. http://www.dzkit.com/
eBay (in general). https://ebay.to/2Kt1gss. This is just a search on eBay for "Ham Radio Kits". There are other search terms to use and you'll find many kits on eBay. Many are the Chinese kits discussed elsewhere in the guide here, and you'll also find some of the other sellers mentioned here selling direct on eBay like EA3GCY, Midway, and more.
-Elecraft. http://www.elecraft.com/ In addition to the classic K2 kit, which is, in my opinion the closest thing to building a Heathkit transceiver these days, there are modular kit versions of the K3S, and KX3, where the user just needs to connect all the boards and complete mechanical assembly. Elecraft also has a nice assortment of accessory kits.
-Electronics USA. http://electronicsusa.com/productsham.html A nice collection of kits including keys, keyers, and clocks.
-Emtech. http://emtech.steadynet.com Emtech home of the excellent ZM-2 QRP tuner kit, raved about by QRP enthusiasts for years.
-Etherkit. http://www.etherkit.com/ Etherkit is run by Jason Milldrum, NT7S, who prides himself in keeping his products completely open-source. Jason currently has parts and accessories for the Ham Radio experimenter, but keep an eye on his page for more projects in the future.
-Four State QRP Group. http://www.4sqrp.com/kitIndex.php The folks at 4SQRP always have an interesting line of kits. Keep an eye on the webpage for new releases coming soon, as they seem to frequently release new and interesting kits. 4SQRP also has a line of accessory kits including tuners, filters, and keyers. While you're at it, if you are into QRP, join this wonderful group!
-Fox Delta. http://products.foxdelta.com/ A great collection of ham radio kits. Includes computer interfaces, APRS kits, and more.
-GQRP Club http://www.gqrp.com/sudden.htm. This QRP club from the UK, offers some of its designs in kit form. They have Limerick-style construction transmitters and receivers, as well as a matching tuner. Prices are lower for members, and anyone can join. Prices are in British Pounds.
-Ham Gadgets. http://www.hamgadgets.com/. Several nice accessory kits here including keyer kits, voice recorder kit, and the famous ID-O-MATIC.
-Hamtronics. http://www.hamtronics.com/menu_products.htm Hamtronics offers a variety of VHF and UHF receiver and exciter kits as well as many other interesting items.
-Heathkit. http://heathkit.com. Heathkit it back. On a very small scale, but they are promising to get back into Amateur Radio as they grow. Currently offering one radio kit, and some other radio related products, and a modern redux of their old most-accurate clock kit.
-HF Signals. http://hfsignals.com. There have always been a few different kits on this list that were based on Ashhar Farhan's Bitx design, but Ashhar himself has been offering two different versions now though his HFSignals project in India. Although not technically kits in the true sense of the word, these radios still require assembly, and expertise. Online help and knowledge is extensive through groups.io, and several website all linked from hfsignals.
-Hobby PCB. https://www.hobbypcb.com/ Hobby PCB sells an amplifier kit called the HardRock 50. This is an evolving project, but produces a very nice 50 Watt amp. They also have a 5 Watt drive board to use the HardRock with low power (.5Watt) radios, and they carry the boards for the WA2EUJ DSP-610 project. In addition to kits, HPCB has a couple of SDR based boards for HF and VHF/UHF. Not kits, but pre-assembled boards to be the centerpiece of a larger radio project.
-Jackson Harbor Press http://wb9kzy.com/ham.htm JHP doesn't sell any radios at this time, but has a nice assortment of accessory kits available.
-JUMA. http://www.jumaradio.com/juma/ Juma used to sell a line of transceivers, including some for the new VLF bands, but they are working out a new distribution agreement. Watch for news.
- K5BCQ Kits http://www.qsl.net/k5bcq/Kits/Kits.html These Hams from the Austin QRP Club offer a page of accessories and support kits. There are LPF filters and amps, an Si570 Controller with display, a programmable keyer, and much more. Very reasonable too!
-Kanga Products UK http://www.kanga-products.co.uk/. Kanga UK has several interesting kits, as well as accessories. Ships worldwide. They appear to be in the middle of transferring ownership. Some of these kits are available through KC9ON Third Planet Solar for the time being, Keep an eye on the website for news.
-Kit Radio Company http://www.kitradio.co.uk/ KRC Offers mostly Shortwave receivers, but also has an 80 Meter direct conversion receiver, as well as some accessories. Prices are in British Pounds. Not sureabout shipping costs outside of the UK.
-Kits and Parts dot com.http://www.kitsandparts.com/index.php K&P sells a line of accessory kits (filters, amps, etc) as well as parts for your own projects. They have a huge selection of ferrite toroids.
-mcHF by M0NKA http://www.m0nka.co.uk/
-MFJ http://www.mfjenterprises.com/ MFJ has been a source for all things Ham Radio for years. They have a couple of kits in the catalog,plus they own Vectronics, also listed in this guide.
-Midnight Design Solutions. https://midnightdesignsolutions.com/. These folks produce the SDR Cube transceiver. A neat standalone transceiver based on the Softrock and the NEW Dave Benson Phaser.
-Midway Electronics. http://www.midwayelectronics.us/qrp/index.html. Midway picked up some of the Small Wonder Labs designs, and so far is producing an updated version of the SW-series CW transceivers.
-Mike's Electronic Parts. https://www.mikeselectronicparts.com/ Mike is the source for Fahnestock Clips! People are always saying how hard they are to find. In addition, he is the expert on TRF AM-radio-on-a-chip components (MK-484 and derivatives) and stocks other radio construction items like Litz wire and varicaps. He also has a couple of kits.
-Mini Kits (AUS). http://www.minikits.com.au/ Lots of accessories in kit form from down under. Bandpass filters, amps, and much more. Their latest and most interesting product is the 630m Band 472 to 479kHz Transverter kit.
-Multus SDR. https://www.multus-sdr.com/ Multus originally took over producing the Peaberry SDR, and expanded it into a multi-band 5 Watt transceiver for 160 thru 10 meters. Watch for other products!
•96kHz digital I/Q interface. No additional sound card needed. Only one USB connection is needed.
•Two tone, 2 kHz spacing, third-order dynamic range: 99 dB.
•Support for Elecraft T1 automatic antenna tuner.
•External Amplifier control via AMP port.
•CW Key Jack.
•DG8SAQ/PE0FKO/SoftRock control interface.
•Open Source firmware.
•Firmware Field Updates via on board USB bootloader.
With these additional features:
• All band. The Proficio covers all bands from 160M to 10M.
• Enhanced receive. A RF amplifier is now in the RF front end that provides about 19db of gain at 10M and tapers down to about 0db at 160M
• Receive Band Pass Filters for all band groupings (160M,80M,40M-60M,20M-30M,15M- 17M,12M-10M)
• The same BPFs are used in conjunction with Low Pass Filters in the transmit path to provide a clean output.
• 5W Class A PA. Clean output of 5W on all bands (slightly less on 160M and 10M).
• Real CW. Supports zero latency CW. Software generated CW is not required.
-Nightfire Electronics. http://vakits.com/catalog/ham-radio-kits. Nightfire carries an assortment of accessory kits and an updated version of the Pixie available for beginners and clubs. What I like about their offering here is that they have multiple 40 M crystals available, giving you a choice of operating frequency.
-NoGa The North Georgia QRP Club. http://www.nogaqrp.org/ This club offers several ham accessory kits. For now I see a Wattmeter, a power indicator/guard, and a transmit/receive switch.
-Oak Hills Research. http://www.ohr.com/ Founded by DougDeMaw W1FB, the godfather of QRP. One transceiver kit, and several accessories. All OHR products and associated companies are listed as being in a transition period on the webpage. Stay tuned.
-Offline Systems. https://shop.offline.systems/ Offline systems is currently carrying boards for the uSDX project. The uSDX project was a modification of the QCX transceiver from Hans Summers that turns it into a very compact SSB rig. There have been several versions of it so far. Keep an eye on the store for more offerings.
-OZ QRP (Australia) http://www.ozqrp.com/index.html. Owned by Leon Williams (VK2DOB). Offers the MST (Minimalist Sideband Transceiver) as“short-form” kits (PCB plus specialized and hard to get parts).Ships worldwide. Prices in Australian Dollars.
-Peebles Originals http://www.peeblesoriginals.com/index.php Peebles sells a nice assortment of Crystal Radios, Regenerative Radios, and both Tube and Transistor Radios, in MW, and SW varieties. They also have a nice line of accessories for your homebrew projects including variable caps, tubes, semiconductors, and more. Website says that they are currently not accepting orders, but to stay tuned.
-QRP Project (Germany)http://www.qrpproject.de/UK/indexuk.html. Many kits here, but also a very confusing website, with much of the links to German pages that need to be translated. Quite a few kits though. All prices in Euros
-QRPGuys http://qrpguys.com. QRPGuys are Ken LoCasale (WA4MNT), Doug Hendricks (KI6DS), John Stevens (K5JS), Steve Weber (KD1JV), Dan Tayloe (N7VE), Wim (SP5DDJ),Cliff Donley (K8TND). They have a nice assortment of radio kits as well as accessories including some antenna/tuner combinations that are worth looking at.
-Rainbow Kits. https://www.rainbowkits.com/shop Rainbow has a large selection of kits for the tinkerer, and several accessories.
-SOTABEAMS http://www.sotabeams.co.uk/ Sotabeams sells a ton of accessories and antennas for QRP use. Pretty much anything you can imagine. Many of the items are in kit form. This page is a GREAT resource for the do-it-yourself Ham.
-Steven Weber. Steven, KD1JV is known for many great kit designs over the years, and while he does not sell kits directly, you can find information in his Groups.io Group where he sometimes offers up new projects. Many of his past projects' circuit boards available through FAR Circuits. Steve designed the radios now known as the Mountain Toppers which are available fully assembled from LNR Precision, and several kits for QRPGuys.com. You can find his original page with info and schematics at archive.org by searching for KD1JV.
-TAPR. http://www.tapr.org. TAPR is a community that provides leadership and resources to radio amateurs for the purpose of advancing the radio art. They offer a couple of accessory kits, and the very popular WSPR Pi Module, as well as the modules needed to build a HPSDR system.
-Tony Parks, KB9YIG. http://fivedash.com/ Reports of the demise of Soft Rock from Tony were premature I guess. After seeing Tony himself post that he was getting out of the business, he seems to have picked up again, and has even added a very interesting non-kit product: an assembled LF version of the RXTX!! I will be contacting Tony to find out the current status of all products. Glad he's still with us though.
-Unified Microsystems. http://www.unifiedmicro.com/ UnifiedMicro sells a nice line of accessories including a couple of kits. Of special note is the SCI-6 sound card interface kit, for operating in digital modes.
-Vectronics (MFJ)http://www.vectronics.com/Categories.php?sec=209. Vectronics has a large selection of Ham Radio kits and accessories. Some of their products are similar, or even identical to their parent company's products (MFJ).
-Walford Electronics http://walfords.net/. An impressive list of kits designed by UK Ham, Tim Walford (G3PCJ), as well as accessories. Ships internationally. Subscribers to his newsletter, Hot Iron, get early access to new designs. All prices in British Pounds
of the Four State QRP Group Kits some which have the coils etched right into the PC board! What a great idea! I've covered transmitters, transceivers, and some receivers here. Some accessories are mentioned in the source descriptions.
Also Check Out:
W2NDG'sSources, Parts. Surplus Outlets, and More
A list of classic and radio-oriented surplus outlets online
Revised June 2021: I've learned that updating the page is quite a chore, and I can't get to it as often as I like, but I will try to make a better effort at incremental changes. There are several new kits worth checking out, at QRPguys.com, Four State QRP, and Walford.
Enjoy, and feel free to email me any corrections, or additions.--Neil, W2NDG
(neil -at- neilgoldstein -dot- com)
-24hrsradioshop (eBay). http://stores.ebay.com/24hrsradioshop This eBay seller does not have any Ham-related transmitter, receiver, or transceiver kits, but sells a variety of AM and FM radio kits, as well as a Morse code oscillator for soldering practice, or just personal enjoyment. Nice selection of variable caps too for your homebrew projects.
-Amateur Radio Kits.in. http://amateurradiokits.in/
- • Easy BITX Kits. Mono Band, can be used for any single band 40m or 20mt Easy to construct. SSB Mode.3 Watts on 20m, 5 watts on 40m. Single Double sided through hole pcb
- • Cases for BitX40 and uBitX: These are professional metal cases for your HFSignals BitX radio projects to live in. Nice quality!
- HF Broadband Linear Amp WA2EBY. 40 Watt DIY linear covering 40 thru 10 Meters, can operate lower bands with external LPF. Very affordable!
-Amateur Radio Receivers. http://www.amateurradioreceivers.net/index.htm. David White, WN5Y offers his creations here. The ELR Kit is a really neat radio using 21 functional LEDs.
- • The Electroluminescent Receiver Kit. The Electroluminescent Receiver Kit is a superluminescent experience that uses very low noise devices, modern circuits that are documented in current literature, with boards designed to help the kit builder have a fun and educational experience. The receiver is a dual dual-conversion, dual dual-image superhet receiver that covers the 40, 30, 20 and 17 meter amateur radio bands. With minor modifications, the 41, 31, 19, and 16 meter SWL bands can be received. The interconnections are infrared and there are 21 functional LEDs that add to the circuit, not just tell you when it's on. And this radio has all the audio the average ham can use. $89.95 + S&H
- • Beginner and Experimenter's Receiver Kit. This super hot receiver uses the latest in technology. The MMIC (monolithic microwave integrated circuit) amplifier works from just above DC to light. The BOO comes with all the parts you need to listen to WWV, or any frequency between 20 KHz and 200Mhz. This home grown, home-brew rig is fun, educational, and easy to build. The tuning range can be customized to cover an entire band or just a small segment. The KITBOO puts out 8 watts of audio, has a crystal filter, and features a broadband design. The PC board is silk screened for easy part ID. The manual comes on a CD complete with circuit theory, schematics, easy to read instructions, and much, much more. $49.95 + S&H
-Assorted Chinese kits on AliExpress. https://bit.ly/2OYINVm There are several version of each category all based on simple designs that most Hams know. Crystal controlled kits come with crystals for 7023 kHz, but can be changed by the builder for any other 40 Meter crystal. Pixie requires one crystal, Frog needs two, and the Super RockMite needs three, all the same freq.
- Pixie Kit
- Frog QRP Kit.
- Forty9er Kit.
- Super RockMite Kit.
-Borden Radio Company. http://www.xtalman.com/kits.html. In addition to a couple of accessory kits like a crystal radio tuner, and QRM rejector, Borden has some nice Crystal and Regen radio kits.
- • Dunwoody Crystal Radio Kit. The circuit is based on a very selective and sensitive design that has been used since the very early wireless days. It employs an antenna/ground tuning capacitor to fine tune the input to the parallel tank tuning circuit for optimum selectivity and signal level. The air variable capacitor tuned parallel tank circuit is then adjusted to resonate at the desired frequency. The combination of these two air variable capacitor tuned circuits makes this set perform far and away better than regular single-tuned, or slider-tuned crystal sets.Nickel plated brass fahnestock clips are used for all connections. All parts, screws, washers, sandpaper, and wire are included in this fine quality kit.
- • Armstrong One Tube Radio Kit. This little radio uses the best features of many famous one tube sets and has features not found on most radios of its type. One such feature is the capacitor coupling of the audio output . This feature prevents the "B" battery voltage from passing through the headset and possibly ruining the magnets. It also allows direct connection to amplifiers without further circuitry and also allows the use of ceramic earplugs when connected in series with a 10K ohm resistor. The capacitor coupling makes the detector more stable and reduces the "hand capacity" effect, thus making regeneration adjustment much easier. The special parts kits contain the American Made air variable tuning capacitor, in-circuit tested N.O.S. 3S4 vacuum tube, tube socket, fahnestock clips, solder lugs, resistors, capacitors, regeneration potentiometer with switch, coil form, mounting brackets, stand-offs, screws, magnet wire, hook-up wire, knobs, battery holder for "A" batteries, battery clips for "B" batteries, and the fine quality ready-to-finish routed basswood plaque for the base. Everything is included to build your own Armstrong One Tube Radio except the batteries, headset and antenna.
- • Pickard and FoxHole Crystal Radio Kits. These are the classic old fashioned crystal radio kits. The Pickard uses a standard diode detector, and the FoxHole uses a razor blade detector.
-Breadboard Radio. http://breadboardradio.com Breadboard radio makes a few nice kits, all with a wooden breadboard –like base that the PC board attaches to when finished. A couple of new products have arrived since the last update. They also carry a few accessory kits including an audio filter, a tuner, code practice oscillator, dummy load, and two antennas.
- The “Splinter II” QRPp Receiver / Transmitter. Direct conversion receiver that tunes about 100khz of the 40 meter band. Has bandpass filter with attenuator, 2 stage audio amp with RC filtering. Drives standard stereo headphones. Also receives SSB. The crystal controlled Transmitter puts out about 500-650 mW. Has SPOT function. New VXO pulls HC-49 pulls crystals 5 to 7 kHz!. Sidetone oscillator (now adjustable), and New switching transistor allows use of electronic keyers. Built in key, or jack for external. Complete kit: $49.95, with free shipping.
- The “Sawdust” Regen Receiver. Tunes about 75 kHz of the 40 meter band. CW, and SSB. Will drive headphones or small speaker. Fixed regen. Can also function as a code practice oscillator. Easy to build. Complete kit: $24.95 with free shipping.
- The "Woodchip" 40 Meter CW Transmitter. Crystal controlled with 3 position VXO. Works with most simple and vintage receivers. Clean 500-600 milliwatt signal meets FCC requirements. Built in sidetone and T/R switch. (requires external T/R switch for best operation). $29.95
- The "Sawbuck" DC Receiver. A simple to build direct conversion receiver for 40 meters. The Sawbuck is designed to work with the Woodchip transmitter, but also works well with other QRP transmitters. The Sawbuck is built on a double sided circuit board and mounted to a small wooden breadboard. The Sawbuck is a direct conversion design with a bandpass filter, mixer/oscillator and audio amplifier. A lowpass filter helps to attenuate high frequencies such as band noise and hiss. $29.95
- 60 Meter "Woodpecker". A QRPp CW transceiver for the 60 meter band. It has a direct conversion receiver featuring a tunable bandpass filter, attenuator, muting and a audio amplifier with feedback high-low audio response. The transmitter is a two stage (osc / amp) design featuring a seven component lowpass filter, sidetone, QSK with delay, mute and 500-600 milliwatt R.F. output. $49.95
- COMING SOON: 40 Meter "Woodpecker". Basically a 40 meter version Woodpecker with two panel selected crystal frequencies
- D4D DSB Transceiver Kit for Digital Modes. A very simple and low cost crystal controlled 1-watt transceiver designed specially for FT8, FT4, or JS8CALL and etc. VOX is included, so you just need audio cables to work with your computer or Raspberry Pi. Simple and creative heater is included to improve frequency stability.
- CS-xxV SSB Transceiver Kit. A 40m or 15m single band SSB transceiver kit designed by BA6BF. 8~10 watts PEP output (5 watts PEP for 20m). Sensitive and selective receiver. Multiple frequency options.
- HF to CB/AM Broadcast Receive Converter kit. The Multiband Converter from Cycle 24 Kits will allow you to receive the 40, 20, 17, 15, and 13 meter bands on an ordinary cb radio and the 80, 49, 40, 20, 15, and 10 meter bands on an am broadcast receiver with no modification to the radio. It has a VXO circuit for fine tuning, and a simple transmit protection circuit to protect against accidental key-ups when being used with a transceiver. There is even a spot on the board to add an LM386 amp to allow the converter to be used as a direct-conversion receiver. $21.95 + S&H
-Dan’s Small Parts and Kits. http://www.danssmallpartsandkits.net/ Mostly parts here of interest to the radio hobbyist but there are some kits about ⅔ of the way down the page. This seems like the place to get parts for some of these QRP kits above, like crystal-socket pins, and variable capacitors. Great assortment of stuff! In additon to the transmitters below there is an amp kit, an RIT, ans S Meter kit, and much more.
- Dan has most of the kits available listed on his "special deals" page: http://danscloseoutsandspecialdeals.com, and sometimes on eBay under the name twiststwinkle: http://www.ebay.com/sch/twisttwinkel/m.html?item=200973102975&pt=US_Ham_Radio_TransmitterS&Hash=item2ecaee2f7f&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2562
-DZ Kit. http://www.dzkit.com/
- Sienna Transceiver Kit. This is a high end, full-featured transceiver with many options. The Sienna can be a full-control stand-alone rig, or a computer-controlled-only rig. I see that the new version is still in the Beta/Pre-order stage.
eBay (in general). https://ebay.to/2Kt1gss. This is just a search on eBay for "Ham Radio Kits". There are other search terms to use and you'll find many kits on eBay. Many are the Chinese kits discussed elsewhere in the guide here, and you'll also find some of the other sellers mentioned here selling direct on eBay like EA3GCY, Midway, and more.
-Elecraft. http://www.elecraft.com/ In addition to the classic K2 kit, which is, in my opinion the closest thing to building a Heathkit transceiver these days, there are modular kit versions of the K3S, and KX3, where the user just needs to connect all the boards and complete mechanical assembly. Elecraft also has a nice assortment of accessory kits.
- KX3 Modular Kit. The KX3 is Elecraft’s newest transceiver. Similar to the K3 in features, but in a compact portable package. This is a modular kit like the K3 that requires you to assemble the pre-soldered boards. Many options available.
- K2 Kit. The K2 is available only as a full kit. This is not a modular kit like the two above, but a full kit for the advanced kit builder. The K2 is a full-featured transceiver available in 10 and 100 watt versions, and with many options.
-Electronics USA. http://electronicsusa.com/productsham.html A nice collection of kits including keys, keyers, and clocks.
-Emtech. http://emtech.steadynet.com Emtech home of the excellent ZM-2 QRP tuner kit, raved about by QRP enthusiasts for years.
-Etherkit. http://www.etherkit.com/ Etherkit is run by Jason Milldrum, NT7S, who prides himself in keeping his products completely open-source. Jason currently has parts and accessories for the Ham Radio experimenter, but keep an eye on his page for more projects in the future.
-Four State QRP Group. http://www.4sqrp.com/kitIndex.php The folks at 4SQRP always have an interesting line of kits. Keep an eye on the webpage for new releases coming soon, as they seem to frequently release new and interesting kits. 4SQRP also has a line of accessory kits including tuners, filters, and keyers. While you're at it, if you are into QRP, join this wonderful group!
- NM0S Nouveau 75a. A 75 Meter, QRP AM voice transceiver designed by Dave Cripe, NMØS. This design is simple, yet full-featured, efficient, and easy-to-build. This kit utilizes a hybrid construction, with about 80% of its components pre-installed surface mount devices. The remaining components are large, through-hole connectors, controls, and power devices. The kit includes a pre-drilled, silk-screened enclosure made of PCB material. The finished result is an attractive, functional radio that is easy to assemble and operate.
- NM0S Cricket 30 and 40, designed by David Cripe NMØS, is the newest addition to the low cost entry level line,and a fun, minimalist CW transceiver for the 40 meter band. It is a real transceiver with TX/RX offset, full QSK, and a sidetone. It features a high quality PC Board, low parts count, excellent components for this design (MOSFETs), and a modern audio amp. Dave's famous etched spiral coils are included on the pc board, so there are NO TOROIDS to wind. Additionally a straight key is included on the board, just snap it off, mount it, and the whole rig is then self contained. Also included is an electronic keyer adapter. These are many many features for such a low parts count and inexpensive transceiver.
- NM0S Ozark Patrol Regenerative Receiver Kit. a two-band shortwave regenerative receiver, using only three NPN transistors in its circuit. It features a pre-drilled and silkscreened circuit board front panel, with a total of 38 through-hole components mounted on pads etched on the back of the panel. This style of PC board is known as a Pittsburg style board. 3.5 to 15 MHz in two bands.
- K1SWL Hilltopper 20, 30 and 40. Dave Benson K1SWL, founder of the renown Small Wonder Labs, listened to you and has designed a 40 meter version of his winning Hilltopper 20 design. Four State QRP Group is honored to have been selected to kit the new transceiver. The Hilltopper 40 is a high performance CW transceiver for the 40M meter band. It is the perfect solution to your portable operation needs - small, lightweight, wide 40 meter frequency coverage and low current drain, extending the life of your portable power source. The receiver is adapted from K1SWL’s SW+ Series with minor modifications. A custom silk-screened PCB enclosure is included with the kit. No drilling or cutting required!
- NMØS Murania MW radio kit. The Four-State QRP Group has brought back the thrill of the early days of transistor radio building with the Murania receiver! Designed by David Cripe NM0S, this simple kit is the perfect starter project to get young people interested in our hobby or to bring back those warm memories gained listening to your first portable radio.
- WD5AGO Ozark 17. Designed by Tommy Henderson WD5AGO, the Ozark 17 is a CW transceiver kit for the 17 meter band. It features a VXO controlled superhet receiver and a separate VXO controlled transmitter, often called an RXTX rig. This design has built in RIT. Power output is approximately 1.5 watt. Both the receiver and transmitter are built on one single sided pc board. The design features excellent sensitivity and great performance. This is a SMT kit with just a couple leaded parts.
- NMØS/N5IB Bayou Jumper. The Bayou Jumper is a modernized version of the famous Paraset spy radio. It retains that great retro look but with modernized circuitry. The name "Bayou Jumper" is a play on "Ocean Hopper", a famous regenerative receiver of a bygone era. With it's distinctive panel and wood box enclosure, it pays homage to the famous spy radios of WWII. The receiver covers all of the CW segment of 40 meters, and the transmitter is Crystal controlled. Two crystals are included. It has recently been improved by Jim and Dave. The add on kit Souper-Upper is also available.
-Fox Delta. http://products.foxdelta.com/ A great collection of ham radio kits. Includes computer interfaces, APRS kits, and more.
-GQRP Club http://www.gqrp.com/sudden.htm. This QRP club from the UK, offers some of its designs in kit form. They have Limerick-style construction transmitters and receivers, as well as a matching tuner. Prices are lower for members, and anyone can join. Prices are in British Pounds.
- GQRP Club "Limerick Sudden" Transmitter Kit. Designed to match the Limerick Sudden receiver kit. The circuitry is a VXO, followed by a buffer and the PA is a 2N3866. The output is around 2 watts,the VXO & buffer are keyed by another transistor and there is muting on the RX antenna feed. There are 4 toroids to wind – a coupling transformer, and the 3 inductors of the 7 element low pass filter. The kit uses the “Limerick” method of construction, as used in the earlier receiver. The pads are actually etched on the board (like surface mount), and the interconnections between them are PCB tracks, hidden under the solder masking. No "through hole" connections are made, although "through hole" components are used. Available in 40 Meter version, more to follow. The kit includes all components, the complete case, and knob.
- GQRP Club "Limerick Sudden" Receiver Kit. Built around two integrated circuit chips; the SA602 and the LM386. Both lend themselves to simple receiver construction. Uses same method of construction as above, and is available in 160m, 80m, 40m, 30m, or 20m versions. Includes all components, complete case, and 9V battery.
-Ham Gadgets. http://www.hamgadgets.com/. Several nice accessory kits here including keyer kits, voice recorder kit, and the famous ID-O-MATIC.
-Hamtronics. http://www.hamtronics.com/menu_products.htm Hamtronics offers a variety of VHF and UHF receiver and exciter kits as well as many other interesting items.
-Heathkit. http://heathkit.com. Heathkit it back. On a very small scale, but they are promising to get back into Amateur Radio as they grow. Currently offering one radio kit, and some other radio related products, and a modern redux of their old most-accurate clock kit.
- Explorer™ AM: TRF AM radio receiver (solder kit). This is the solder version of the introductory ExplorerTM AM radio. (We also offer a no-solder Heathkit JrTM version, the GR-150.) The GR-152 provides a gentle introduction to surface-mount soldering--just a couple easily-seen components soldered with your low-wattage soldering iron, and all others are classic through-hole discrete parts.
-HF Signals. http://hfsignals.com. There have always been a few different kits on this list that were based on Ashhar Farhan's Bitx design, but Ashhar himself has been offering two different versions now though his HFSignals project in India. Although not technically kits in the true sense of the word, these radios still require assembly, and expertise. Online help and knowledge is extensive through groups.io, and several website all linked from hfsignals.
- µBITX. The µBITX is a general coverage HF SSB/CW transceiver kit with features you NEED for operating ease, convenience and versatility. It works from 3 MHz to 30 MHz, with up to 10 watts on SSB and CW with a very sensitive receiver. It features digital tuning, dual VFOs, RIT, CW Keyer and more. The µBITX is a general coverage HF SSB/CW transceiver kit with features you demand for operating ease, convenience and versatility. It features digital tuning, dual VFOs, RIT, CW Keyer and more.
-Hobby PCB. https://www.hobbypcb.com/ Hobby PCB sells an amplifier kit called the HardRock 50. This is an evolving project, but produces a very nice 50 Watt amp. They also have a 5 Watt drive board to use the HardRock with low power (.5Watt) radios, and they carry the boards for the WA2EUJ DSP-610 project. In addition to kits, HPCB has a couple of SDR based boards for HF and VHF/UHF. Not kits, but pre-assembled boards to be the centerpiece of a larger radio project.
-Jackson Harbor Press http://wb9kzy.com/ham.htm JHP doesn't sell any radios at this time, but has a nice assortment of accessory kits available.
-JUMA. http://www.jumaradio.com/juma/ Juma used to sell a line of transceivers, including some for the new VLF bands, but they are working out a new distribution agreement. Watch for news.
-KC9ON - Third Planet Solar https://kc9on.com/shop/ KC9ON sells a few nice accessories for the Heathkit HW8 QRP rig for fixing and enhancing the old favorite, as well as some other useful kits. He has also added a line of Chinese sourced kits including a version of the Pixie which includes his very useful Pixie Switch for adding multiple crystals to the Pixie.
KC9ON is also a USA source of the Kanga UK line of kits listed elsewhere in this guide.
KC9ON is also a USA source of the Kanga UK line of kits listed elsewhere in this guide.
- K5BCQ Kits http://www.qsl.net/k5bcq/Kits/Kits.html These Hams from the Austin QRP Club offer a page of accessories and support kits. There are LPF filters and amps, an Si570 Controller with display, a programmable keyer, and much more. Very reasonable too!
-KA1QYP W. Rossi Kits https://www.ebay.com/sch/rossi-willi/m.html http://www.rossi.us/halfpint/ KA1QYP offers his Half-Pint kit through eBay, and has a website with instructions and the history of the design.
- Half Pint Transceiver. The "Half Pint" is a easy to build QRP transciever, built with just 7 transistors. I've had quite a bit of fun building and operating this little rig. I hope you will enjoy it as much as I have. It features a direct conversion receiver with an active audio filter. Power supply: 9-20 volts DC, Receive current: 35 mA @ 13.8 VDC, Power output: up to 1 Watt on the 40 meter band, 500 mW on 20 meters, with 16 VDC power supply, Receiver sensitivity: approximately 10 uV @ 10 dB S/N, Audio gain: 42 dB + 20dB from Q-Multiplier = 62 dB, Receiver Selectivity: less than 500 Hz, Kit Includes: 2.9" x 1.7" high quality double sided circuit board. Gold plated. Made in U.S.A. Quartz crystal, Multi-turn trim pot to adjust filter Q, 20 machine pin sockets to connect to off-board components, Molded inductors, so no coils to wind.
-Kanga Products UK http://www.kanga-products.co.uk/. Kanga UK has several interesting kits, as well as accessories. Ships worldwide. They appear to be in the middle of transferring ownership. Some of these kits are available through KC9ON Third Planet Solar for the time being, Keep an eye on the website for news.
- Finningley 80M SDR Reciever. This kit was produced for the Microwave Roundtable earlier this year. Kanga Products have kindly been given permission to re-produce the kit. This simple SMD kit is a great way to get into Software Defined Radio.
- Acorn II SDR receiver. The Acorn II offers a 40m receiver kit, with two options of frequency control - Crystals or External Frequency Control using the "m0xpd Si5351A Arduino Shield"
- Foxx-3 Transceiver. The FOXX-3 is the latest version of the ever-popular FOXX. Designed by Derek Alexander, it incorporates a sidetone oscillator, changeover relay and low-pass filter. It fits inside an Altoids (TM)mint tin and all connections are made via vertical connectors which are concealed when the lid is closed. The connections are as follows: antenna via50 ohm BNC, power via 2 pin 0.1" header, headphones via 3.5mm mono or stereo jack plug or 2 pin header, Morse key via 3.5mm mono or stereo jack plug or 2pin header. We also supply a small PCB-mounted switch which can be used as the key for ultimate portability. All you need to add are a 12 volt DC supply,headphones and an antenna and tuner. Available for 20, 30, 40, or 80 Meters.
- DX 40m DC Receiver. The DX 40m DC Receiver is a collaboration between Steve Elliott K1EL of Winkeyer Fame (See Hamcrafters Page) and Kanga Products (UK). Conventional VFO – Tuning 7.000 MHz – 7.200 MHz, 20x4 LCD Screen, CW reader, Frequency Readout, 9 volt or 12 volt operation, Switched-bandwidth audio filter and mute.
- URMSTON Regen Receiver. The "URMSTON" Regen Receiver is a join venture between the G-QRP Club and Kanga (UK). The Circuit design created by George Dobbs G3RJV and Paul m0xpd who also created the PCB have produced what is a great Receiver. The Kit was used as the G-QRP Buildathon night in 2015. This is the Friday night before the G-QRP Convention held in October every year. This kit is ideal for all construction levels of our hobby. The frequency of the supplied kit covers part of the 40m Amateur Band and some Broadcast Band. With a simple component change it can be made to cover other frequencies.
-Kit Radio Company http://www.kitradio.co.uk/ KRC Offers mostly Shortwave receivers, but also has an 80 Meter direct conversion receiver, as well as some accessories. Prices are in British Pounds. Not sureabout shipping costs outside of the UK.
- KRC-1, 4-Band Superhet. Comes in 5 easy-to-build stages: 1) MW TRFreceiver driving an earphone, 2) Audio amplifier providing speaker output, 3)The TRF receiver is converted to an IF amplifier, 4) Mixer/oscillator converting the receiver to a 4 band superhet, 5) BFO to enable CW/SSB reception. Built on two circuit boards and comes with a pre-cut and labeled case. Runs on 6AA batteries (included).
- KRC-2, Regenerative SW Receiver. 1 – 30 MHz in 3 bands. Easy build. Very sensitive. Nice case and all accessories included. Runs on 6AAbatteries (included).
- KRC-4, Beginners TRF Receiver. 2 bands: 800 kHz to 1.6 MHz, and 4 to8 MHz. Uses a reflex circuit and only one transistor. Band selection is achieved with 2 plug in pre-wound coils. Will drive an earphone with only a few feet of wire as an antenna. Includes earphone, 3 AA batteries, and engraved front panel.
- KRC-5, 80 Meter Direct Conversion Receiver. Designed around the SA602and LM386 chips. Receives CW and SSB from 3.5 to 3.8 MHz. Includes earphone, 3AA batteries, and engraved front panel.
-Kits and Parts dot com.http://www.kitsandparts.com/index.php K&P sells a line of accessory kits (filters, amps, etc) as well as parts for your own projects. They have a huge selection of ferrite toroids.
- 5Watter Organic VCXO Transceiver. A high quality inexpensive transceiver designed for the QRP enthusiast. Guaranteed 5 Watts output using 12 VDC (5W using 14 VDC on 17M). Designed for home and portable operation. Small Size PCB, only 3.5 inches (89 mm) square. Full QSK, dual conversion design with great selectivity Very low noise measured at -137 dBm MDS. Available for 40, 30, 20, and 17 Meters. Includes multifunction keyer chip with "natural" sidetone
- The mcHF is a SDR Transceiver project that produces a full featured 160 thru 10 Meter radio. Includes color touch screen and all components to make the radio. Great project and supported by a large community of hams.
-MFJ http://www.mfjenterprises.com/ MFJ has been a source for all things Ham Radio for years. They have a couple of kits in the catalog,plus they own Vectronics, also listed in this guide.
- MFJ-8100K World Band SWL Receiver Kit. Regenerative general coverage receiver covering 3.51 - 4.31 MHz, 5.95 - 7.40 MHz, 9.56 - 12.05 MHz, 13.21 -16.4 MHz, and 17.6-22 MHz.
- MFJ-93xxK QRP Cub Transceiver Kits. QRP Transceiver available in 80,40, 30, 20, 17, or 15. Output 2 Watts (except 1 Watt on 17 and 15).
-Midnight Design Solutions. https://midnightdesignsolutions.com/. These folks produce the SDR Cube transceiver. A neat standalone transceiver based on the Softrock and the NEW Dave Benson Phaser.
- SDR Cube Quick Kit. Portable, standalone SDR transceiver for SSB, CW and AM using embedded digital signal processing with a Softrock as the RF front end for QRP operation. Live bandscope, high-performance T-R switching, multiple VFOs & memories, General Coverage Receive and bandswitching control are among the many advanced features.Expansion port supports external RF decks and accessories. Optimized interface for NUE-PSK modem provides digital mode support. Sold as pre-soldered boards and components to build the cube without soldering. Currently being sold on a waiting list basis.
- K1SWL Dave Benson Phaser Digital Mode Transceiver. The Phaser is capable of transmitting and receiving on the 80m, 40m, 30m, 20m or 17m amateur bands. Each of these monoband transceivers is programmed to operate first at the popular FT8 frequencies, while a pushbutton entry shifts the operating frequency to an alternate frequency of the user’s choice, initially provided at the JS8 ‘watering hole’. This ALT frequency may be easily reprogrammed to be anywhere in the HF spectrum, thus providing frequency flexibility to accommodate other digital modes such as PSK31, JT65A, WSPR, Feld Hell, Olivia, SSTV, etc.
- ME40+, 40 meter CW QRP Transceiver kit. This is an exact reincarnation of Dave Benson's Small Wonder Labs SW40+. Those of you that know the track record of his high quality rig can only appreciate its reappearance to the amateur radio field. Kit comes with full detailed manual, schematics, and interconnection drawings and all components needed to complete board. This unit has a sensitivity greater than .1 microvolts for copyable code and is adjustable up to 2.0 watts. This unit is designed to cover the 40 meter band (7.000 to 7.250 mhz), but is also available in 20 and 30 meter versions. A professional quality case with knobs and labeling is also available.
-Mike's Electronic Parts. https://www.mikeselectronicparts.com/ Mike is the source for Fahnestock Clips! People are always saying how hard they are to find. In addition, he is the expert on TRF AM-radio-on-a-chip components (MK-484 and derivatives) and stocks other radio construction items like Litz wire and varicaps. He also has a couple of kits.
- The MK484 AM Radio Kit 7 is a simple AM broadcast band receiver kit designed for the MK484 radio IC. This kit is not a beginners kit. MK484 Radio Kit 7 does require soldering and the ability to read a schematic. The kit is designed to allow a modular radio build. The RF tuning section is left off board to accommodate a variety of coil and capacitor combinations. The audio output can be connected directly to a high impedance earphone or headphone. We have tested this kit with magnetic and piezoelectric headsets 2,000 Ohms and higher with good results. The audio output could also be fed directly to an audio amplifier. Available with several options and accessories.
- There are also several crystal radio kit options, including a nice solder-less one for beginners.
-Mini Kits (AUS). http://www.minikits.com.au/ Lots of accessories in kit form from down under. Bandpass filters, amps, and much more. Their latest and most interesting product is the 630m Band 472 to 479kHz Transverter kit.
-Multus SDR. https://www.multus-sdr.com/ Multus originally took over producing the Peaberry SDR, and expanded it into a multi-band 5 Watt transceiver for 160 thru 10 meters. Watch for other products!
- The Proficio is the next generation of Transceivers. It is an all band version (160M - 10M) transceiver. It has all the features of our previous transceiver:
•96kHz digital I/Q interface. No additional sound card needed. Only one USB connection is needed.
•Two tone, 2 kHz spacing, third-order dynamic range: 99 dB.
•Support for Elecraft T1 automatic antenna tuner.
•External Amplifier control via AMP port.
•CW Key Jack.
•DG8SAQ/PE0FKO/SoftRock control interface.
•Open Source firmware.
•Firmware Field Updates via on board USB bootloader.
With these additional features:
• All band. The Proficio covers all bands from 160M to 10M.
• Enhanced receive. A RF amplifier is now in the RF front end that provides about 19db of gain at 10M and tapers down to about 0db at 160M
• Receive Band Pass Filters for all band groupings (160M,80M,40M-60M,20M-30M,15M- 17M,12M-10M)
• The same BPFs are used in conjunction with Low Pass Filters in the transmit path to provide a clean output.
• 5W Class A PA. Clean output of 5W on all bands (slightly less on 160M and 10M).
• Real CW. Supports zero latency CW. Software generated CW is not required.
-Nightfire Electronics. http://vakits.com/catalog/ham-radio-kits. Nightfire carries an assortment of accessory kits and an updated version of the Pixie available for beginners and clubs. What I like about their offering here is that they have multiple 40 M crystals available, giving you a choice of operating frequency.
- Pixie Transceiver kit. This is the NightFire Electronics version of the very popular QRP Pixie CW Transceiver Kit. It is an upgraded version of the classic "PIXIE 4" low-power transceiver. The oscillator is crystal controlled with a little room for tweeking via a silicon diode being used as a psuedo varactor diode. This gives you some wiggle room. The transmitter will put out 360mWatts into a 50-Ohm load with a clean 12vdc input. The receiver works by using the output transistor as a mixer/detector and feeds the received signal into an LM386 Audio Amplifier. This will feed an 8 Ohm, 1watt speaker nicely. The Keyer is a switch to ground. The picture shows a simple push-button in its place, instead, it will come with a 2-pin screw terminal. 2-pin screw terminals are used for power input, Antenna output, Keyer input, and Audio Output. The PCB size is 2.5 inches x 2.5 inches. Double-sided, .062" with Plated-Thru-Holes. The bottom side is a good solid ground plane for RF noise reduction.
-NoGa The North Georgia QRP Club. http://www.nogaqrp.org/ This club offers several ham accessory kits. For now I see a Wattmeter, a power indicator/guard, and a transmit/receive switch.
-Oak Hills Research. http://www.ohr.com/ Founded by DougDeMaw W1FB, the godfather of QRP. One transceiver kit, and several accessories. All OHR products and associated companies are listed as being in a transition period on the webpage. Stay tuned.
-Offline Systems. https://shop.offline.systems/ Offline systems is currently carrying boards for the uSDX project. The uSDX project was a modification of the QCX transceiver from Hans Summers that turns it into a very compact SSB rig. There have been several versions of it so far. Keep an eye on the store for more offerings.
-OZ QRP (Australia) http://www.ozqrp.com/index.html. Owned by Leon Williams (VK2DOB). Offers the MST (Minimalist Sideband Transceiver) as“short-form” kits (PCB plus specialized and hard to get parts).Ships worldwide. Prices in Australian Dollars.
- The MST (Minimalist Sideband Transceiver). Complete SSB transceiver on a single PCB (just add a VFO). Superhet receiver using a 4 pole 10MHzcrystal filter. 5W PEP minimum power. Front panel LED transmit power and modulation indicator. Simple and easy to build using all through hole components. DDS VFO available as an add-on kit.
- The MDT (Minimalist Double Sideband Transceiver) is an inexpensive and easy to build kit for the 40M band. It is ideal for the first time builder as all parts except the microphone socket are mounted on a single PCB and all the components are through hole. This is a full kit containing everything you need even the case and specially pre-cut and printed front and rear panels.
- The DCT (Double sideband and CW Transceiver) is an inexpensive and easy to build QRP kit for the 40M or 80M band. At the core of the transceiver is a microcontroller that controls a digital VFO and LCD, and the transceiver switching and control functions.
-Pacific Antenna Kits http://www.qrpkits.com/ One of the best selections of Ham Radio related kits on the Internet. Quite a few accessories too! formerly Hendrick's QRP
- PFR-3a 3-Band Portable Field Radio. Bands : 40 meters, 30 meters and 20 meters. Tuning range: Full band coverage. Mode: CW only.
- NADC30/40 CW Transceiver. Nearly All Discrete Component CW Transceiver for either 30m or 40m. Tuning range ~ 60 kHz. Power output: 3.5 watts.
- Ft Tuthill 15 Meter CW Transceiver. Two 60 KHz tuning ranges, ~ 21.000 - 21.060 and 21.075 - 21.135 MHz. Power Output: 5 Watts.
- Ft Tuthill 160 Meter CW Transceiver. Two 30 KHz tuning ranges, ~ 1800 - 1835 and 1830 - 1865 MHz. Power Output: 5 Watts.
- DCxxB Board Only Trasceiver Kit. These radios are the next generation of the popular DC40 transceiver that was also designed by Steve Weber. The kit will come with 1 crystal for the band specified. 7.040 for DC40, 10.120 forDC30, 14.060 for DC20.
- Weber Tri-Bander. The Weber Tri-Bander can be built for any three of these bands: 80, 40, 30, 20, 17, or 15. 5 Watts out on all bands at 13.8 VDC.Built in Iambic keyer with 5 to 40 wpm code speed. DDS VFO for rock steady stability with 50 Hz and 200 Hz tuning rates. Many more features!
- Scout Regen Receiver. A simple 2 band regenerative radio receiver that is capable of receiving signals from 3.5 to 11 MHz. A complete kit with Lshaped aluminum chassis, quality double sided silkscreened solder masked board,all parts, hookup wire, board mounted battery holder. This kit is ideal for thefirst time builder.
- SMK-2 40m Surface Mount CW Transceiver. The SMK-2 is a fully functional surface mount component 40 meter transceiver. It has an independently tuned transmitter and direct conversion receiver. Full break-in TX with sidetone, and a modest 350mW output. The crystal VXO on receiver allow about 3 kHz+ tuning range on the crystal frequency. It was originally conceived as the SMK-1, a platform to teach SMT construction techniques.
- TwoFer Plus CW Transmitter. The TwoFer Plus is a simple transmitter that will be offered on 40, 30, and 20 meters. The kits come with crystals in the qrp region of the band. It will put out approximately 1 Watt using a 2N3053transistor for the final. It has a crystal based VXO that will give about1.5kHz on 40, and 3kHz on 20. It also has a built in T-R switch on the board that mutes the receiver during transmit. We have upgraded the kit with a custom prepunched case that was designed by Ken LoCasale, WA4MNT. The kit comes complete, with all parts, connectors, case, knobs, wire, and our usual commercial quality double sided, plated through, silkscreened solder masked board.
- KD1JV Survivor 75m SSB transceiver. There is a long story about the history of this kit on the website. This is a re-design of the Epiphyte transceiver from Norcal. 10 Watts output, SSB, CW, and TUNE modes, Covers a user selectable portion of 75 Meters, either 325 or 175 kHz wide, selectable atbuild time. All through-hole construction. Requires 13.8 volts @ 2 Amps min.
- Simple Receiver. A new design from Dan Tayloe, which can be built foreither 30 or 40 Meters. VFO controlled and superhet. 40M coverage is 7.000 -7.022, and 7.024 - 7.049. 30M coverage is 10.100 - 10.120. Headphone level output, 3 pole crystal filter, AGC, and much more.
- Simple Transmitter. Also from Dan Tayloe. Designed to replace the Twofer eventually. Initially sold for 10 Meters only, since the Twofer had issue with 10 Meters. 4 Watts out at 12V. Spot switch, built in keyer, receiverT/R switch with "mute" output.
-QRP Project (Germany)http://www.qrpproject.de/UK/indexuk.html. Many kits here, but also a very confusing website, with much of the links to German pages that need to be translated. Quite a few kits though. All prices in Euros
-QRPGuys http://qrpguys.com. QRPGuys are Ken LoCasale (WA4MNT), Doug Hendricks (KI6DS), John Stevens (K5JS), Steve Weber (KD1JV), Dan Tayloe (N7VE), Wim (SP5DDJ),Cliff Donley (K8TND). They have a nice assortment of radio kits as well as accessories including some antenna/tuner combinations that are worth looking at.
- QRPGuys AFP-FSK Digital Transceiver III. The new QRPGuys Digital Transceiver III kit for 160m-10m is a low cost, multi-band, multi-digital mode, 5 watt transceiver kit, with VFO and plug-in module kits supplied for 40/30/20m. The v. III version debuts a novel firmware scheme for our Si5351A/MS5351M VFO which allows a move away from DSB transmission to SSB, by a new process we are calling AFP-FSK (Audio Frequency Processed-FSK). The SSB transmitted signal is generated by a unique process of measuring the input audio frequencies, then through software, producing the RF frequencies (pure FSK, not AFSK) directly by the VFO, eliminating the need for any mixing which creates unwanted sidebands. This innovative firmware and related hardware design changes by Kazuhisa “Kazu” Terasaki (AG6NS) and Steve Weber (KD1JV), allow ~5W signal on bands from 160m thru 10m for FT8, FT4, JS8CALL, WSPR, and RTTY modes. Though effective sensitivity is somewhat dependent on sound board quality and can pull signals out of noise, 0.1uV on the lower frequency bands and slightly less sensitive on the higher frequency bands is typical. The board is the same size as earlier versions, (3.0″ x 3.12″), and all the components are included for the transceiver, VFO, and band module kits for 40/30/20m. Bare module boards are available for additional bands. Each band module has automatic sensing to set the VFO to the appropriate band at start up.
- QRPGuys Multi-DC 10/12/15m CW Transceiver. With the openings recently on 10 meters, it reminds us of the days for DX potential on that band with low power and smaller antennas. The absence of many budget kits for this end of the HF spectrum led us to approach Steve Weber (KD1JV) for a low cost kit design. Steve then designed the Multi-DC CW Transceiver offering a three band transceiver that is optimized for 15m through 10m. Supplied are three switchable fundamental crystals of 21.060, 24.906, and 28.060 MHz for the QRP calling frequencies on 15, 12, and 10m, with RIT for ~8 kHz bandspread. The power output is 4-5W on 10/12m and ~3W on 15m at 13.8V. For less power, 1.5-2W, decrease the supply voltage to 8.0V. Receiver sensitivity, MDS ~0.1 uV on 15m, ~0.2uV on 12m, and ~0.5uV on 10m. Included, is an onboard header for connecting our optional Si5351A/MS5351M PLL VFO for full band coverage and RIT on all three of the bands, enabling you to listen to SSB stations in the phone segment of the bands, and general coverage SWBC stations outside the ham bands. Built into the transceiver is Steve’s popular ATtiny45 SKC keyer with adjustable speed from 5-30 WPM, two programmable memories of 60 characters, straight key mode, and beacon mode if starting your own 10m propagation beacon is desired. All the controls are on the top, and I/O connections are out the back of the pcb for easy mounting. The input power of 8.0 to 13.8VDC is via a standard 5.5mm x 2.1mm coaxial jack. Audio output and paddle/key connections are standard 3.5mm jacks. The antenna connection via a board mounted female BNC connector is standard. Rx current consumption is a low 15 ma without the VFO, and 45 ma with it. Tx current consumption is 850 ma max. at 13.8V. Weight is 2.4oz. (68gm.)
- COMING SOON: QRPGuys Pacificon DSB/CW Transceiver Kit. The QRPGuys Pacificon is a low cost 40m DSB/CW qrp transceiver. It is a Steve Weber (KD1JV) design, based on a project for the Pacificon 2020 QRP forum buildathon, and we are offering it as a pcb project and make your own case, or you can add the optional chassis, and/or SKC keyer kit. This transceiver uses a Si5351A PLL clock generator controlled VFO, single chip Atmega328P µP for control, a five digit LED frequency readout to 10Hz resolution, with rotary encoder tuning. It features a CW output on 40m of ~5W and ~2.5W PEP on DSB. A direct conversion receiver with RIT is utilized, switchable lowpass audio filter, multiple tuning rates, also with 500 KHz-30MHz general coverage reception, disabling the transmitter outside the ham bands. All the components are supplied, including the Si5351A chip, the only SMD component, all others are thru hole. The DSB voice mode is designed to use an inexpensive (not supplied) single plug Baofeng UV3R, (not UV3R+), speaker/microphone, available on eBay for ~$5-$10. Antenna connection is BNC female, 12-14V power is via a standard 5.5mm x 2.1mm coaxial jack, mic./speaker connection is a 3.5mm 4 pole jack, and external speaker connection is a 3.5mm stereo jack. Power requirements for TX are 650mA @12-13.8V, ~40mA RX. It is small, lightweight, and with the optional 4.25″w x 3.40″d x 1.12″h (108mm x 86mm x 28mm) chassis, total weight ~3.5 oz. (100gm). On a scale of 1 to 5, 5 being the most difficult, this is rated as a 3-4. The normal tools required are a soldering iron with a small tip, rosin core solder, small side cutters, and small phillips screwdriver. Allow an evening or two to build, depending on your experience. Steve’s Arduino Sketch for the Pacificon is in the Misc. Files section.
-QRP-LABS (Hans Summers) https://www.qrp-labs.com/ Hans sells the very popular Ultimate3S QRSS/WSPR kit, the insanely popular QCX CW transceiver, and coming soon, the QSX SSB transceiver kit. Check out his accessories and add-ons for his kits as well, including a cool new amp for the QCX.
-QRPme. http://www.qrpme.com/ Several kits and accessories here. They also have an intriguing kit of the month club” delivering kits to you every month. The Topper II P.A. just added band packs, making it an attractive little QRP amp. QRPme is the new home of the official RockMite.- Ultimate3S QRSS/WSPR kit. This kit is the new edition of the third version in the "Ultimate" QRSS/WSPR kit trilogy. It can produce QRSS, Hell, WSPR, Opera and PI4 slow-signal modes anywhere from 2200m to 2m bands. Plug-in LPF filters are available for all 13 HF/MF/LF bands from 2200m to 6m. $29.00 + S&H + many add ons and accessories.
- QCX+ CW Transceiver kit. The QCX+ is a feature-packed, high performance, single-band 5W CW transceiver kit, with WSPR beacon and built-in alignment/test equipment. Available for 80, 60, 40, 30, 20 or 17m bands. It has rotary encoder synthesised tuning, VFO A/B/Split, Iambic keyer, CW decoder, and more
- QCX-MINI CW Transceiver kit. The QCX-MINI is a miniaturized version of the QCX. The kit comes with all SMD parts preinstalled, but is an advanced kit due to the size and intricate assembly. Available for 80, 60, 40, 30, 20 or 17m bands. It has rotary encoder synthesised tuning, VFO A/B/Split, Iambic keyer, CW decoder, and more.
- COMING SOON - QSX SSB Transceiver Kit. The QSX (QRP Labs SSB Xcvr) is a 40m SSB transceiver. It will have an optional 10-band (160m-10m) filter module, and an optional extruded aluminium enclosure. This will make an all-band HF all-mode 10W High performance transceiver. The kit inherits all the functionality of the famous QCX single-band CW transceiver kit but adds SSB, AM, FM, PSK31 and RTTY. This will be the lowest cost all-HF radio available but also high performance and packed with features.
- RockMite. This is QRPme's re-vamped version of Small Wonder Lab's RockMite kit. The kit has been updated so that it is now all thru-hole construction. The previous version required some SMT work. 0.5 Watts at 13Volts. Automatic reversible offset, sidetone, built in keyer, fits in a standard Altoids tin. Available in an assortment of frequencies for 20, 30, 40,and 80 meters.
- Micro 80D. Small tunable 80 meter CW transceiver kit.
- Lil Squall Transceiver. A version of the Pixie Transceiver. A tinkerers delight. It fits in a small tuna can. Includes a socket for the Final transistor for easy experimenting with output power. Likewise, the feedback caps in the oscillator circuit also have sockets making it easy to experiment with new bands. The crystal also has a socket for easily moving the operating frequency about a band. Comes will ALL the parts necessary to complete the transceiver and a 7122 crystal for operating the Lil' Squall ][ in an area where other minimalist rigs hang out, AND the 'officially unofficial' TUNA Net frequency for tuna can gatherings.
- Super Tuna II+. A version of the Sudden Transmitter from the GQRP Club. Transmitter section is comprised of an oscillator, buffer and final driver transistor. Produces 2 watts at 12.6 volts. Frequency dependent components are mounted on an easily changed band module. The basic kit comes with a band module for 40 meter operation.
- Tuna Tin 2 40th Anniversary Issue. A re-issue of the original TT2transmitter. Parts are laid out on the board in the exact same way the schematic is drawn. Simple, and easy to build. Comes with crystal for 7.030.
- EZ Build Two-Tinned-Tuna Transmitter. EZ build version with no toroids to wind. Several socketed parts for experimenting and comes with 2crystals for 40 meters. $30 + S&H
- Sudden Storm Receiver Kit. Great companion to any of the tuna can transmitters. Comes with components for 40 meters but can be operated on 80,30, and 20 using the upgrade kit.
- Reggie II Transceiver Kit. A lesson in minimalist design. The Reggie uses the Limerick construction technique. Output is about 100mW.
- Sea Sprite. The Sea Sprite Transceiver is a new re-working of the Lil Squall transceiver currently in the QRPme tuna can line. The original Lil Squall design was simplified, modified and reconfigured into a larger sized tuna can.
- Beaconater II. The Beaconator][ is a reworked version of the QRPARCI FDIM 2013 Buildathon kit: The Beaconator. The kit was upgraded to include several new features which enhances the 'PLAY value' of the kit! These features include: BOTH round tuna cans and rectangular mint tins supported by the same circuit board. OPTIONAL BAND MODULES are now supported for shifting operation to different bands in seconds. Socket included for crystal for easy frequency changes about a band. Multi-footprint final transistor pads for experimentation with final transistors. Variable power output option using pot and resistor. Dual connector footprints for alternate connectors when using a mint tin. Keyer chip built in.
- WWVR Receiver. A compact benchtop WWV receiver capable of driving a small speaker. Crystal and components included for 10 MHz. Additional band modules available for other WWV frequencies.
-QRPHAMRADIOKITS By EA3GCY https://www.qrphamradiokits.com/. This is the home of the ILER transceiver kits, as well as the ILER DDS-VFO. Several accessories available now, as well as cases for some of the kits. Shipped worldwide from Spain. All prices in Euros. EA3GCY now is also selling the DR-4020 Dual-band 40-20m Digital QRP Transceiver assembled and ready-to-use.
- ILER V3 QRP SSB Monoband Transceiver Kit. Available for 20 or 40 Meters Covers 50 Khz segment of the band chosen. Several coverage options available. 12-14 VDC. Output 4 – 6 Watts. Requires dynamic mic. VFO available as an additional kit, and a professional case available now. There are also package deals with the main kit, VFO, and case available.
- EGV+ Three band 40, 30 and 20m QRP CW Transceiver Kit. 40 - 30 - 20m (6 to 16MHz continuous tuning). Tuning steps on two ranges: 10Hz-100Hz-1kHz and 10kHz-100kHz-1MHz. 5W out. Digital VFO. Professional case available.
- MFT-40 / MFT-20 DSB QRP Transceiver Kits. The MFT-40 / MFT-20 “My First Transceiver” is a simple, low-cost DSB double side band transceiver Kits similar to the famous “Beach-40”, “Micro-40” by VK3YE, “Wee Willy” by VA3IUL, etc. However, the MFT has improved both the receive and transmit characteristics, and its kit assembly puts the project within the reach of radio circuit builders of any level.
- DB4020 Dual-band 40 and 20M QRP SSB Transceiver Kit (CW Interface kit optional). Frequency coverage: 7.0 – 7.2 MHz on 40m ; 14.0 – 14.35 MHz on 20m. Modes: LSB (USB for FT8 etc. digital modes) on 40m, USB on 20m, (CW Interface optional). RF output: 8 W on 40m, 4W on 20m (13.8V). Professional Case and CW Interface available.
-R3KBO (Russian). http://eb104.ru/ This Russian Ham Radio site needs to be run through Google Translate, but they sell a nice variety of amplifier, filter, and tuner kits.
-RadioShop_RV3YF. https://www.ebay.com/str/radioshoprv3yf and https://rv3yf.us/. Russian Ham RV33YF offers several nice radio kits on eBay including a few 160 - 10 multiband transceivers. Nice selection.
- DRUZHBA. HF multi bander, SSB/CW Transceiver. In the design of the transceiver "Druzhba-M" the task was to create an inexpensive device with acceptable electrical characteristics with high repeatability and accessible to the majority of radio circuitry. This design does not contain any original circuit design, is a constructor of units previously described by other authors and well known in the World. 30-40 Watts out. With enclosure. Currently $349.00
- DESNA Amateur HF Multi-band Transceiver. Another 9 band transceiver with digital DDS VFO. 20 - 30 Watts out. Currently $319.00
- Klopik-2 Transceiver. A smaller 9 band transceiver with digital DDS VFO. 10 Watts out.
- There are many more transceivers and receivers here. I may get to listing them all, but the choices change from time to time. Check out the eBay store!!
-SOTABEAMS http://www.sotabeams.co.uk/ Sotabeams sells a ton of accessories and antennas for QRP use. Pretty much anything you can imagine. Many of the items are in kit form. This page is a GREAT resource for the do-it-yourself Ham.
-Steven Weber. Steven, KD1JV is known for many great kit designs over the years, and while he does not sell kits directly, you can find information in his Groups.io Group where he sometimes offers up new projects. Many of his past projects' circuit boards available through FAR Circuits. Steve designed the radios now known as the Mountain Toppers which are available fully assembled from LNR Precision, and several kits for QRPGuys.com. You can find his original page with info and schematics at archive.org by searching for KD1JV.
-TAPR. http://www.tapr.org. TAPR is a community that provides leadership and resources to radio amateurs for the purpose of advancing the radio art. They offer a couple of accessory kits, and the very popular WSPR Pi Module, as well as the modules needed to build a HPSDR system.
- WSPR Pi Module. available as a kit (for 30 meters), or a pre assembled board (for 20 or 30 Meters) that can be used with a Raspberry Pi to create a WSPR transmitter. The GPIO pins on the Pi are capable of outputting an RF signal, but it needs to be filtered and amplified. The WSPR Pi module does just that. It filters out the harmonics and spurs and has a buffer amp that boosts the signal slightly. Once you install and configure the software, you'll be on the air as a WSPR transmitter. Modifications can be made to use the board as a transmitter for other modes, and can be used in combination with an SDR receiver to create a transceiver out of a Raspberry Pi.
- HPSDR. TAPR carries the components of the open source HPSDR project which can be found at https://openhpsdr.org/
-Tony Parks, KB9YIG. http://fivedash.com/ Reports of the demise of Soft Rock from Tony were premature I guess. After seeing Tony himself post that he was getting out of the business, he seems to have picked up again, and has even added a very interesting non-kit product: an assembled LF version of the RXTX!! I will be contacting Tony to find out the current status of all products. Glad he's still with us though.
- SoftRock RX Ensemble II Receiver Kit. The SoftRock RX Ensemble II Receiver Kit includes the components for building the kit for LF, 180kHz through 3.0 MHz, operation or for HF, 1.8 MHz through 30 MHz.
- SoftRock Lite II Combined Receiver Kit. The SoftRock Lite II kit now includes the components to build it for one of the following bands: 160m, 80m, 40m, 30m or 20m. This replaces prior Lite II kits that were set to a specific band when ordered. The SoftRock Lite II provides a simple to build SDR receiver with a fixed center frequency to be used with a sound card that can sample at 96 kHz, providing band coverage from 48 KHz below the center frequency to 48 KHz above the center frequency.
- SoftRock RXTX Ensemble Transceiver Kit. The SoftRock RXTX Ensemble Transceiver Kit provides a 1 watt SDR transceiver that can be built for one of the following four band groups: 160m, 80m/40m, 30m/20m/17m or 15m/12m/10m.
- SoftRock RX Ensemble II LF Receiver Kit. The SoftRock RX Ensemble II LF Receiver Kit includes the components for building the kit for LF, 180kHz through 3.0 MHz, operation.
-Unified Microsystems. http://www.unifiedmicro.com/ UnifiedMicro sells a nice line of accessories including a couple of kits. Of special note is the SCI-6 sound card interface kit, for operating in digital modes.
-Vectronics (MFJ)http://www.vectronics.com/Categories.php?sec=209. Vectronics has a large selection of Ham Radio kits and accessories. Some of their products are similar, or even identical to their parent company's products (MFJ).
- QRP Transceiver Kits for 80/40/30/20 Meters. VXO frequency control,broad-banded transmitter circuitry, solid one Watt plus output, shaped keying,0.3 uV sensitivity, direct conversion receiver. Includes crystal for popular QRP frequency Order VEC-1380K (80 Meters),VEC-1340K(40 Meters),VEC-1330K(30Meters),VEC-1320K(20 Meters)
- 20/30/40/80 Meter Receiver Kits. Covers entire band or tailor to coverdesired portion. Copy CW/SSB/AM. NE602/ 612 mixer-oscillator, LM386 high gainaudio amplifier. Order VEC-1120K (20 Meters),VEC-1130K(30 Meters),VEC-1140K (40Meters),VEC-1180K (80 Meters)
- 20/30/40/80 Meter QRP CW transmitter kit. Kits have variable crystal oscillator tuning, front panel switch selects 1 of 2 crystals. 1 crystal included. Transmit and Receive switch. Order VEC-1220K (20 Meters),VEC-1230K(30 Meters),VEC-1240K (40 Meters),VEC-1280K (80 Meters)
- 2/6/10 Meter FM Receiver Kits. Each covers the entire FM sub-band and runs off your 9V battery. Plug in speaker or headphones for clear reception.VEC-1002K (2 Meters), VEC-1006K (6M), VEC-1010K (10M)
- Shortwave Receiver Kit (Regen). Covers 75/80, 49, 40, 30, 31, 20, 25,22, 19, 17, 16, 15 and 13 Meter bands. Explore AM, SSB, CW, WWV, and digital signals. Vernier reduction drive, smooth regeneration control, RF stage.Includes all metal cabinet. 2 earphone jacks. Uses 9V battery.
-WA3RNC Kits http://www.wa3rnc.com/store/ WA3RNC is a new kit designer/retailer offering one model for now, and another one on the way. Stay tuned.
- TR-25 CW Transceiver Kit. A compact but powerful 2-band CW transceiver kit that uses no tiny pushbuttons, and without those seemingly endless and hard-to-remember back menus. There is a knob or a switch for every function! Size 5 ½ X 3 ¼ X 1 ½ less protrusions, weight 10.6 Oz. Full band coverage of 40 and 20 meters. About 10 watts output with a 14 volt power supply. 5 Watts minimum output with a 10 volt supply. 4 Watts output with an 9 volt supply. Optimized for operation from 3 series-connected 18650 Lithium cells. RIT tunes + and – 5KHz. Blue OLED display reads frequency to 10 Hz and RIT offset. Built in Iambic keyer is adjustable 5 to 35 WPM with front panel control. Separate jacks for straight key and paddles; Always ready for SKCC contacts. Operates on 9 to 14 volts, < 90ma receive, about 1 Amp Xmitt at 10 volts. Selectable tuning resolution steps of 10, 100, and 1000Hz. Low battery indicator with internal adjustment 9 to 12 volts. Currently $250.00
- Bramwell Regenerative Receiver. a simple Regenerative Tuned Radio Frequency (Regen TRF) receiver design that is the modern equivalent of the sort of receiver that was used in the early days of radio communication. It is suitable for group building projects run by radio clubs and as an introduction to short wave radio. The technique has very good performance for such a fundamentally simple circuit. It has two bands, primarily for amateur radio reception – the 40m band with its nearby broadcast stations, and the 80m amateur band. They use the same inductor which is adjusted for the desired part of the 40m band, and then the slide switch adds extra capacitance (with the trimmer) for the 80m band. Because it is a Regen TRF, it can be used for the powerful AM broadcast stations near 7 MHz as well as the common amateur modes of CW (for Morse code) and SSB (for phone) which are used on both bands. It has three main controls – the Main tuning with the large knob, the audio gain control (AFG) on the left and the very smooth Regeneration control on the right. There are also two preset controls for the RF gain and a master ‘oscillation’ control – neither of which need frequent adjustment. It uses three junction type field effect transistors in the RF section; these are arranged as an RF amp, the Regen stage and a buffer stage to drive the strong, but sensitive, full wave diode detector that feeds the integrated circuit output audio amplifier which can drive a LS or modern stereo 32R phones. This combination of controls provides excellent control over the receiver’s operation to suit radio conditions. There is a power on/off switch for the 9v PP3 battery (not supplied). The price is £24
- The Ivel Receiver. This is a direct conversion receiver for any single band 20 to 80m using the classic combination of an SA602 mixer chip followed by audio stages with filtering for phone and CW; and finally an audio power amplifier output stage, which can drives phones or a small loud speaker. It is normally built in the small upright format which is easy to use and ‘calibrate’ with a vertical front panel. The PCB is single sided to keep things easy to locate the correct holes for parts and for ease of soldering. The photo above shows how simple it is! The RX design is suitable for serious contacts and incorporates several features like twin tuned RF bandpass filters and an audio filter for CW, that would normally belong to a more elaborate rig; for tuning, it has both main Tuning by a PolyVaricon capacitor, as well as a Fine control so that resolving SSB becomes much easier. The rig’s product detector uses the SA602 mixer/oscillator chip but with an external Variable Frequency Oscillator using a discrete JFET to provide better stability than is possible with simpler designs using an oscillator in the SA602. The mixer chip incorporates a balanced Gilbert cell transistor arrangement for good rejection of unwanted signals. The mixer is followed by an audio pre-amplifier, using one section of a TL072 dual op-amp with a bandwidth suitable for normal phone (SSB or DSB) contacts; the other section of the TL072 is a second order CW filter for Morse. This has a peaked low pass response with its maximum at about 725 Hz and sharp attenuation for high frequency signals. This suits the typical CW beat note pitch that many operators like to use in the 500 – 800 Hz band. The CW filter is selected by a front panel switch which feeds the front panel AFG control and then the LM380-8 output power amplifier for phones or a speaker. Adding a transmitter (Ilford for CW or the Ilton for DSB phone) is relatively easy but does take the project into the Intermediate category! Start with the receiver alone and then add the transmitter later if you wish. If you are unclear which band is best to build it for, the 40m band often a good compromise with signals from UK and European stations. Price is £27
- The Bat Ultrasonic TCVR. The Bat transceiver is a simple electronic construction project using amateur radio techniques for two way communication – it is for individuals or clubs, schools, cadet forces, scout groups, etc. Because it uses ultrasonic transducers working at 40KHz, it does NOT need any special licence. Two Bats can communicate over 50 metres or more with messages sent in Morse code, or a single Bat can be used as a Morse practice aid when teaching or demonstrating Morse code to constructor groups. The transceiver can be split into separate receiver and transmitter sections which may appeal individual builders. The price is £20.
- The Ivel plus Ilford CW TX. The Ilford allows you to send Morse code. It is normally coupled to a simple receiver like the Ivel receiver described on the Simple page. The Ilford transmitter can work on any one of the 20 to 80m bands and is ‘crystal’ controlled – this means that it uses either a crystal or a ceramic resonator to determine the transmitted frequency. For 80m, there is a suitable 3.58 MHz resonator whose operating frequency can be pulled down by a tuning capacitor to give a tuning range of typically a few 10s of KHz in the CW section of the band. Unfortunately, higher frequency resonators are not sufficiently stable and cannot be used above 80m, so you have to use an actual crystal for 20, 30 or 40m – the consequence is that the tuning range on these bands is very limited – a KHz or so! This means that 80m is often a good band to experiment and learn CW skills. The transmitter produces 1.5W of RF using a 13.8 volt supply and includes an output low pass filter to get rid of unwanted harmonics. It also includes a transmit receive relay for switching of your aerial between RX and TX, this is activated automatically when you press the key and has a delay before reverting to reception to cater for the gaps between Morse characters. Pressing the key also activates the RX muting electronic switch which prevents unwanted crashing sounds from the RX when transmitting, while still allowing the keyed 725 Hz sidetone oscillator to run and produce audio output through the RX’s audio output amplifier. For 80m, the ceramic resonator can alternatively be fitted in the Ivel RX allowing transceiver operation where TX and RX operate on effectively the same frequency with single knob main tuning! In fact, the RX has to be tuned very slightly off (by the RX’s Fine control) in order to create a beat note but this offset is automatically removed by the Ilford when actually transmitting. This arrangement is a little more electrically complicated than separate RX and TX, but it does make operation very much easier! The kits in the picture above are wired this way for 80m. The standard Ilford kit includes the 3.58 MHz resonator but if you want crystals for the higher bands you need to tell me what is wanted. With a crystal in the Ilford for the higher bands, the tuning of the Ivel and Ilford are no longer linked and they have to be tuned and operated as ‘seperates’; so please ask me about crystals and adding a trimmer to the Ilford when contemplating this form of separate tuning and I will advise the costs. The standard Ilford kit costs £18. If ordered together, the Ivel and Ilford are discounted to £43.
- The Ilton DSB Transmitter. This is a double sideband phone transmitter intended to go with the Ivel RX. Double sideband is much simpler and cheaper to produce than SSB and it is entirely compatible with stations using SSB – either upper or lower sideband. They wont know you are using DSB until you tell them! Much like the Ilford above, the Ilton needs to be crystal controlled except on 80m where there is a suitable 3.69 MHz resonator, which allows transceive operation with the Ivel on 80m. For the higher bands, they have to be tuned independently. Please ask me about these higher bands. The transmitter is mounted just behind the Ivel RX (see photo below) with links to the RX for muting when transmitting. The Ilton’s speech amplifier is designed for dynamic microphones and uses BS170 MOSFETs driving an SA602 modulator to produce the DSB signal; this is amplified using a high speed op-amp driving the IRF510 output stage (with heatsink) which is followed by low pass filters and the aerial change over relay. Peak output is about 1.5W when using 13.8v supplies. Should be just the job for across town nattering! The price for the Ilton is £24, If ordered together, the Ivel and Ilton are discounted to £49
- The Somer. This is a new small CW TCVR for any single band 20 to 80m. It has a new LO scheme using multiplication up and division down from the VFO to avoid chirp without using a crystal or ceramic resonator! So goodbye to rockbound transmitters! The arrangement can provide whole band coverage but this is seldom actually desired to keep the Main tuning rate reasonable. The RX is direct conversion with a PolyVaricon for the main tuning and a voltage controlled diode for the Fine tuning and beat note offset; the latter being automatically cancelled when you go to transmit. The RX is direct conversion using a double tuned RF filter feeding into a SA602 mixer, with a conventional audio pre-amp, humped low pass CW filter and main audio output for phones or a small loud speaker. For transmission, the LO chain feeds digital gates for the RF keying which then drive a buffer stage and a pair of BS170 MOSFETs in the output stage for a nominal 1.5W (with a 13.8v supply). The transmitter output has twin pi low pass filtering and the TR control circuits automatically disconnect the LPF from the RX RF amp when transmitting, for click and thump-free full break in changeover! There is also a 725 Hz sidetone oscillator, with adjustable level, that feeds into the RX audio amp. The photo above is the 20m prototype Somer; two kind early builders have now helped prove the rig and the instructions! The main differences between the Somer when compared to the Ivel/Ilford combination is that it is half the size, with VFO coverage for any one of its bands and with full break in operation. The price is £52.
- The Ham RX and Hale TX. The Ham RX is a superhet which means that only one sideband is heard – this is particularly relevant for CW when compared to simpler RXs which hear both sidebands: it is also highly desirable for SSB phone reception and essential when the RX is used to drive the Hale SSB or CW transmitter. The Ham has a 10 MHz Intermediate Frequency which makes it a little easier for one set of parts to cover the relevant small section of the overall 2.8 to 6.5 MHz range for any one of 20, 40 or 80m bands. The receiver comprises a double tuned RF bandpass filter feeding the first SA602 mixer with a simple output amplifier, feeding into a four crystal IF filter, and then the second SA602 mixer (with carrier insertion oscillator) acting as a product detector. The audio pre-amp uses one half of a low noise TL072 op-amp with its second amplifier providing a switch selectable third order CW filter. Then follows an AGC stage, using both sections of another TL072, which feeds the AFG control and the output audio power amplifier. For transmission, two relays (supplied with TX) reverse the signal flow through the RX’s mixers and IF strip to eject the low level RF out of the RX antenna terminal, but for reception without the TX, there are small PCB links across the normally closed relay contacts. The first mixer is additive on 20m but subtractive on 40 and 80m, so there is an extra CIO coil for 40/80m to provide the normally used sideband for all bands. Compared to earlier designs, this RX now includes a good CW filter as well as AGC all on the main PCB! The RX price is £50.
- For the Hale, tracks are cut in the RX so that two relays can be fitted there to reverse the signal flow in the IF strip and both mixers, which together with the TX relays then activates transmitter stages. The RF amplifier chain is linear for SSB signals, or the keyed audio tone for CW. A TL072 low noise op-amp is used for the microphone speech amp and for mixing in the CW sidetone oscillator output when that is activated. These drive the RX’s second CIO mixer to generate DSB which is filtered by the IF filter to remove the unwanted sideband before that is then changed to band frequency in the RX’s first mixer, and then the through the RX’s RF bandpass filter so that it ejects low level RF out of its antenna terminal! The first TX RF stage is a grounded gate RF amp with Drive preset, followed by the main RF amplifier that drives the output IRF510 power stage (with large upright heatsink) and the low pass harmonic filter. The Hale provides a Maximum output of 5W nominally on a 13.8v supply for both CW and SSB but can be used with care on higher voltages for increased output. Control is by the PTT switch of your microphone (dynamic type) for SSB or with semi break-in operation for CW. The control circuits mute the RX via the AGC stage. You should not need specialist test gear to set these kits up pretty well if you have a general coverage RX, multi-meter and the normal RF accessories of a power indicator, 50 Ohm dummy load and Aerial Matching Unit. A scope and two tone oscillator are desirable but not mandatory with a little patience! The TX price if ordered subsequently on its own is £42 but if ordered with the Ham, the pair are discounted to £85.
- The Queenie, Kingston and Phaser. Together they form an advanced CW TCVR for any single band of 20, 40 or 80m capable of single sideband CW reception if the optional Phaser kit has also been added. The Queenie RX is direct conversion with a strong product detector using 4066 electronic switches instead of the often used SA602. The line up has the usual double tuned RF bandpass filter, followed by an RF amplifier whose gain is controlled by a switch. This drives two electronic switches for the product detector, (with the unused pair available for the Phaser kit extra channel). These switches only limit when signals get near a few volts of RF so the RX is less liable to BCI which is really helpful dealing with the adjacent broadcast stations! They are followed by a grounded base low noise first AF stage, then an audio op-amp and the switch selectable 3rd order humped CW filter whose peak is nominally at 725 Hz. The AFG pot follows with audio output for phones or LS. The product detector switches are driven by anti-phase square waves at band frequency; when the RX is used alone, these are generated at band frequency by the VFO which has a PolyVaricon for Main tuning and a potentiometer for Fine tuning and offset cancellation. With the Kingston fitted, the VFO instead always runs near 4.67 MHz, which is then squared up, and tripled by extracting the third harmonic for 20m, with division digitally by 2 or 4 if required for 40 or 80m, which then drives both RX and TX. Queenie RX only – £42, Kingston TX (if ordered later) – £25, if Queenie and Kingston ordered together – discounted to £64, Phaser kit – £18. If Queenie, Kingston and Phaser all ordered together – discounted to £80
Might want to update steve webbers info, could run it by steve; steve.kd1jv@gmail.com
Excellent post Neil. It's nice to see folks doing the work of gathering specialized information and posting it to help others.
I've done a little of that myself. Here's my latest contribution:
Neil has put together an amazing collection of QRP radio kits and projects. A great resource when looking for your next QRP build.
Tnx es 72
Good Morning
QRP Kit mondial List
QRP List
Thank you for sharing and presenting at our SARA meeting!!!
You're very welcome! Great group.
Found this site while compiling something similar and it gave me a laugh because I love that someone else has been doing this as well. Validation! Looks like you were first! It feels like a disappearing aspect of electronics culture and education and it's important to preserve these traditions. My list focuses more on traditional electronic kits (think: LED blinky and so on) and surplus parts but has some radio stuff and unusual component/parts suppliers as well. Feel free to use it for anything you like. I've added your directory to the top of the list.
Thanks for the cross linking. I will add you to the kitguide as well. Great list!
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