W2NDG's RadioKitGuide.com Presents:
Sources, Parts. Surplus Outlets, and More

--A. G. Tannenbaum's Old Radio Site http://www.agtannenbaum.com/agtannenbaum.root/shop/
Interesting site for antique radio enthusiasts.
--All Electronics http://www.allelectronics.com/
All Electronics dates back to when I was a kid. Great site. Watch the weekly new items, and page through the catalog. And YES, they publish a catalog, and will mail it to you. You can also download a PDF of it. I have purchased many items from them, and always reasonable, fast, and accurate.
--AllTronics https://www.alltronics.com//
Sometimes confused with All Electronics for obvious reasons. Similar surplus outlet. Expansive inventory.
--Amidon http://www.amidoncorp.com/
Interesting assortment of
mostly inductor-related items. Ferrites, wire, inductor kits, cables, connectors. Great source for the home brew crowd.
mostly inductor-related items. Ferrites, wire, inductor kits, cables, connectors. Great source for the home brew crowd.
--Antique Electronic Supply https://www.tubesandmore.com/
The name says it all. Tubes and parts for old electronics. Not just for radios. Lots of parts and kits for musicians too.
--BG Micro https://www.bgmicro.com/
Another general surplus outlet with great closeout specials and a newsletter you can sign up for.
--Chaney Electronics https://www.electronickitsbychaneyelectronics.com/
Electronic kits for hobby and education
--Dan's Small Parts and Kits http://danssmallpartsandkits.net/
Dan's is also over at radiogitguide because he still sells a few radio kits. Mainly a source for home brewers. Pretty much a smorgasbord of electronic parts for radio construction. Be sure to check out his shop till you drop closeout page.
--Debco Electronics https://www.debcoelectronics.com/
A general parts and accessories source for Hams.
--Electronic Goldmine https://www.goldmine-elec-products.com/
Another great surplus electronics source.
--Excess Solutions http://www.excesssolutions.com/
Another general surplus outlet, plus they recently acquired well-known supplier: Halted Supply (HSC) and have their inventory as well.
--Fair Radio Sales https://fairradio.com/our-products/
Military surplus supplies and parts
--Far Circuits http://www.farcircuits.net/
Circuit boards. Far Circuits has circuit boards for many published radio projects from years of magazines, and lectures.
--Gateway Electronics https://www.gatewayelectronics.com/
Typical surplus shop but no inventory online yet. Keep an eye on the website, or give them a call if you're having trouble finding something specific.
--The Ham Station http://www.hamstation.com/
Not selling a full inventory of products anymore, but Dan still has a bargains page.
--JDR Computer Products https://www.jdr.com/Default.asp
Mostly computer surplus parts and accessories, but also some assorted electronic parts.
--Leeds Radio http://leedsradio.com/
Somewhat legendary Leeds Radio has been written about in major newspapers. They're still around, and have a rather plain webpage, but there's a link to their Etsy store where they sell some of their vintage inventory.
--Marlin P. Jones https://www.mpja.com/
It was MPJA that sparked me to write this page. I received one of their catalogs in the mail and realized how much I missed getting these. This is another great surplus supplier, similar to All Electronics.
--Mendelsons https://meci.com/
Not just electronics. Much like the classic surplus stores of the 60's and 70's. Attendees of the Dayton Hamvention are familiar with Mendelsons.
--Midwest Surplus Electronics http://www.midwestsurplus.net/
Another general electronics surplus outlet.
--Play Things Of The Past http://www.oldradioparts.com/
Source for tubes and other antique radio parts. Website says under construction and new management.
--Radio Ware http://www.radio-ware.com/
Radio accessories and books
--RF Parts https://www.rfparts.com/fans.html
RF Parts looks like one of our typical surplus shops, but with an emphasis on Radio items.
--Surplus Sales of Nebraska http://www.surplussales.com/
Another general surplus electronics outlet.
--Surplus Center https://www.surpluscenter.com/
More industrial and mechanical, but some electrical items of interest including solar products.
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