Tuesday, November 27, 2018


Neil Goldstein  ---  TheKitGuy.com

Multiband Radio Kit - China

I build and write about kits.

You will find my posts on my blog here:  FOFIO!

I maintain a list of radio-related kit sites on the internet here:  RADIO KIT GUIDE

Friday, May 04, 2018

Basic CW Rigs You Can Build Yourself

This is a list of websites covering all of the products shown in the demonstration for the

Midway Electronics ME40

Breadboard Radio 

EA3GCY radio kits

Four State QRP Group

DIY QRP transceiver (eBay)

Third Planet Solar KC9ON

Hans Summers QRP LABS

Pacific Antenna / QRPKits


QRPME Li'l Squall
Small Wonder Labs.....RIP
Midway Electronics
Chinese Kits

Midway Electronics

Walford Electronics


HFSignals - BITX

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

My Favorite Places #1: P&T Surplus

As a kid, I had two older brothers that were tinkerers.  Mostly Lee with his interest in anything automotive, but Paul too who fixed old TV's and experimented with computers and photography.  There was a place in my hometown of Kingston, NY called P&D surplus.

I can remember the first time Lee brought me there.  To a kid it was a museum.  There was so much to look at.  They were a scrap dealer, hardware store, used electronics store, and carried quite a

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Radios I Have Known #2 The old, the new, and the Select-A-Tenna

L-R: Select-A-Tenna, Tivdio V-115, Sony ICF-5500W
After promising this series a year and a half ago, I finally have started digging through the collection, and will start posting about once a week.  The radios, and accessories may not have anything in common (as seen in this post), but were all acquired because they were in some way interesting, or

Sunday, January 14, 2018

The Empty Store

My first spring-terminal kit from Radio Shack (1976 catalog)
I'm not sure what age I was when I started being fascinated by electronics.  Record players really were the first thing I was obsessed with, but it was soon followed by radios, and most things that were built out of transistors, resistors, capacitors, and other components.  My late brother Paul received one of these spring-terminal project kits when I was very young, and I just had to have one when I was old enough.  His kit, the one I received later on, and most of the electronic kits I built in the early days came from Radio Shack.

Today I am mourning the loss of the retail store known as Radio Shack.  Some of you may be asking: Why today?  Radio Shack already

Tuesday, January 09, 2018

BITX Kits (Limarc / LARC Meeting Discussion) Jan 10, 2018

Interesting article on Ashhar Farhan with links:

Original design and writeup from Farhan:

QRPKITS (Hendricks / Pacific Antenna Version) 20 and 17 meter

Radio-Kits UK 80 Meter Version:

Amateurradiokits India  Version 3, cases, and accessories:

HFSIGNALS (Farhan's new inexpensive versions)

BITX Hacks Blog:

Groups.io BITX20 Forum:

Presentation  here:  https://drive.google.com/open?id=1X9fxqp_6nlECMPI99I1EJ9e2QMdnUzXn