Welcome to RadioKitGuide.com. Some time ago, I attempted to research sources for kits on the Internet, only to find out that there wasn't a one-stop-website for Ham Radio kit suppliers.
I decided to put together a good list of sources for kits that are currently available. Many of these are for
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Etherkit CRX1 Receiver |
Revised 7/19/2012 Changes in Hendricks QRP Kits, YouKits, Genesis Radio, Tony Parks, and removed the coming soon designation on Heathkit. I didn't check ALL of the prices, so don't hold me to total accuracy in that department.
Revised 10/22/2012 Changes in Hendricks, YouKits, Tony Parks, Small Wonder Labs, Wilderness Radio, and Four State QRP Group. Removed Heathkit, Added HSC.
Revised 2/18/2013 Changes in Hendricks, YouKits, Tony Parks. Added CR KITS, and BreadBoard Radio.
Revised 2/20/2013 Added K5BCQ & K5JHF Kits
Revised 5/21/2013 Changes in Hendricks (2 new kits!), YouKits (1 new kit!), TenTec (New QRP rig coming soon), Four States QRP (1 kit retired, 1 coming soon), CR Kits (1 new kit!)
Revised 10/15/2013 Changes to YouKits (new kits), Ten-Tec, JUMA, Small Wonder Labs, Wilderness Radio, Dan's Small Parts and Kits, QRP.me, Walford Electronics (new kits), Kanga UK (new kit), and Kits by EA3GCY (new kit). Added BlekokQRP, and The Ham QRP DIY Shackon AliExpress
Revised 2/20/2013 Added K5BCQ & K5JHF Kits
Revised 5/21/2013 Changes in Hendricks (2 new kits!), YouKits (1 new kit!), TenTec (New QRP rig coming soon), Four States QRP (1 kit retired, 1 coming soon), CR Kits (1 new kit!)
Revised 10/15/2013 Changes to YouKits (new kits), Ten-Tec, JUMA, Small Wonder Labs, Wilderness Radio, Dan's Small Parts and Kits, QRP.me, Walford Electronics (new kits), Kanga UK (new kit), and Kits by EA3GCY (new kit). Added BlekokQRP, and The Ham QRP DIY Shackon AliExpress
Revised 12/14/2013 added quite a few new vendors! Marked in the list below with a "*" Added list of vendors (to be linked at a later date), and alphabetized the whole guide.
Take The Heathkit Survey!
Heathkit is trying to return as a supplier of kits and accessories. They are surveying people to get an idea of what the market is interested in. Take the survey here: http://www.heathkit.com/survey/index.php/278489?lang=en
Take The Heathkit Survey!
Heathkit is trying to return as a supplier of kits and accessories. They are surveying people to get an idea of what the market is interested in. Take the survey here: http://www.heathkit.com/survey/index.php/278489?lang=en
Enjoy, and feel free to email me any corrections, or additions.--Neil W2NDG (w2ndg -at- radiokitguide -dot- com)
*24hrsradioshop (eBay store) | Kit Radio Company |
*ag6bd (eBay seller) | *Kits and Parts dot com |
Amateur Radio Kits.in | MFJ |
BLEKOK QRP by YD1JJJ | *Mini Kits (Australia) |
Breadboard Radio | North Country Radio |
CR Kits | Oak Hills Research |
*Cycle 24 Kits | *OpenQRP |
Dan's Small Parts and Kits | OZ QRP (Australia) |
*DX Kits (UK) | QRP Project (Germany) |
DZ Kit | QRPme |
Kits By EA3GCY (Spain) | Radio Adventures Company |
Elecraft | Radio-Kits.com.uk |
Electronics USA | Radioshop (eBay store) |
Emtech | *Rainbow Kits |
*Etherkit | Ramsey Electronics |
Fox Delta | Small Wonder Labs |
*Free Time Goods (eBay store) | Ten-Tec |
Genesis Radio | Tony Parks |
GQRP Club | *Unified Microsystems |
The Ham QRP DIY Shack on AliExpress | Vectronics |
Hamtronics | Walford Electronics |
Hendricks QRP | *WB6DHW.com |
*HF Projects | Wilderness Radio |
*Hobby PCB | Xtal Set Society |
HSC (Halted SPecialties Company) | YouKits |
Juma | *Yoyodyne Consulting |
K5BCQ & K5JHF Kits | Zao.jp |
Kanga Products UK | |
Kanga US | |
Kenneke Communications |
-24hrsradioshop (eBay). http://stores.ebay.com/24hrsradioshop This eBay seller does not have any Ham-related transmitter, receiver, or transceiver kits, but sells a variety of AM and FM radio kits, as well as a Morse code oscillator for soldering practice, or just personal enjoyment. Nice selection of variable caps too for your homebrew projects.
-ag6bd (eBay seller). http://www.ebay.com/usr/ag6bd This Thai eBay seller is carrying a large variety of receivers, transceivers and accessories. As of this writing there are only 7 items listed, but this varies up and down during the month. It would be impossible to list all of the items here, as many are not listed at the moment, and unfortunately there does seem to be a small language barrier. One item of interest is the SW20+ which appears to be a re-make of the SW20+ from Small Wonder Labs. As I said, not everything is available all of the time, so check the completed listings for an idea of what might be coming, and check back often with ag6bd.
· -NEW- SW20+ Superhet CW transceiver. This appears to be the same radio formerly sold by Small Wonder Labs, as a board-only kit, with a 10 Watt audio amplifier along for the ride. Check out the information on the SW20+ for more info. $55.00 shipped to the USA.
· -NEW- CW Receiver kit - VXO for CW. This is a simple VXO CW receiver for the CW portion of the purchased band (the 17 Meter model tunes 18.070-18.080). Easy build. Runs on 12 - 15 Volts. These kits seem to come in different bands depending on stock. This one is $27.00 shipped to the USA.
· -NEW- Direct Conversion Receiver kit. A DC receiver that can tune a good size section of the bands (the 40 Meter model tunes 7.000-7.175, modifiable). Slightly more difficult than the VXO kit, with a few coils to wind and some alignment to perform. $39.00 shipped to the USA
· -NEW- 3 Watt CW QRP Transmitter kit. A crystal controlled transmitter that puts out about 2.5 to 3 Watts. The 20 Meter version will tune about 5-6 kHz around 14.060. $29.50 shipped to the USA
-Amateur Radio Kits.in. http://cqbitx.blogspot.com/
· BITX Kits. I won't list the kits individually because the website is a bit confusing. They seem to have several different options from a basic kit with just the board and specialty components only for $18 to a deluxe complete kit with digital readout for $85 They also seem to be about to release a complete kit with case and all.
· AVALA SDR board only. There are a few sites supporting this SDR. Not sure if I'm ready to tackle something like this, but it does look interesting. Board only: $10
-BLEKOK QRP by YD1JJJ http://blekokqrp.blogspot.com/ (Indonesian. Use Google Translate) Sells kits on eBay. Click here for availability. If he is out of stock, look at completed items.
· -NEW- Micro 40S QRP 30 Watt SSB Kit. Built for 7 - 7.170 MHz, but can be tuned for a higher 170 Khz range. Board-only kit. $56.00 + S&H
-Breadboard Radio. http://breadboardradio.com Breadboard radio makes a few nice kits, all with a wooden breadboard –like base that the PC board attaches to when finished. In addition to the kits listed, there are a few “coming soon” items. A transmitter called the Wood Chip with variable RF output, VXO, T-R switch, sidetone, and more. Designed to be a good companion to the Sawdust receiver below. Also a new Tuner-dummy load-SWR meter combo, and 2 kits that have yet to be described planned for release later this year.
· The “Splinter” QRPp Receiver / Transmitter. Direct conversion receiver that tunes about 100khz of the 40 meter band. Has bandpass filter with attenuator, 2 stage audio amp with RC filtering. Drives standard stereo headphones. Also receives SSB. The crystal controlled Transmitter puts out about 450 mW. Has SPOT function. Two position crystal switch. One crystal is soldered in (7030kHz) and one socket for extras. Sidetone oscillator, and VXO (about 3kHz). Built in key, or jack for external. Complete kit: $54.95, with free shipping.
· The “Sawdust” Regen Receiver. Tunes about 75 kHz of the 40 meter band. CW, and SSB. Will drive headphones or small speaker. Fixed regen. Can also function as a code practice oscillator. Easy to build. Complete kit: $24.95 with free shipping.
-CR KITS http://www.crkits.com/ US distributor: http://www.QRVTronics.com . CR Kits makes the KN-Q7A Single band SSB Transceiver Kit, and the CRK-10 CW Transceiver Kits (which are currently sold out and being revised)
· KN-Q7A SSB Transceiver Kit. A popular 40m or 20m single band SSB transceiver kit designed by BA6BF. 8~10 watts PEP output (5 watts PEP for 20m). Sensitive and selective receiver. Multiple frequency options. 4- 40m ranges available, and 1- 20m range. New: BNC connector for antenna $115 + S&H
· -New- (revised) CRK-10A CW Transceiver Kit. Available for 30 or 40 meters. Crystal controlled. 3 Watts output. Built in keyer. $55 + S&H
-Cycle 24 Kits (eBay). http://www.ebay.com/usr/cycle24kits This eBay seller carries a couple of kits, and says that more are on the way. One receiver-converter kit that looks interesting.
· -NEW- HF to CB/AM Broadcast Receive Converter kit. The Multiband Converter from Cycle 24 Kits will allow you to receive the 40, 20, 17, 15, and 13 meter bands on an ordinary cb radio and the 80, 49, 40, 20, 15, and 10 meter bands on an am broadcast receiver with no modification to the radio. It has a VXO circuit for fine tuning, and a simple transmit protection circuit to protect against accidental key-ups when being used with a transceiver. There is even a spot on the board to add an LM386 amp to allow the converter to be used as a direct-conversion receiver. $21.95 + S&H
-Dan’s Small Parts and Kits. http://www.danssmallpartsandkits.net/ Mostly parts here of interest to the radio hobbyist but there are some kits about ⅔ of the way down the page. This seems like the place to get parts for some of these QRP kits above, like crystal-socket pins, and variable capacitors. Great assortment of stuff! In additon to the transmitters below there is an amp kit, an RIT, ans S Meter kit, and much more.
· I don't see any of the kits available on the website anymore, but Dan seems to be selling them in dribs and drabs on eBay under the name twiststwinkle. Check what he currently has: http://www.ebay.com/sch/twisttwinkel/m.html?item=200973102975&pt=US_Ham_Radio_Transmitters&hash=item2ecaee2f7f&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2562
-DX Kits (UK). http://www.dxkits.com/g6lbq-kits DX Kits carries a few kits and boards, mostly for the G6LBQ MK2 Multiband transceiver project. They also sell quite a few accessories and components.
· -NEW- GL6LBQ MK2 kits. There are 3 kits that make up the project (with a 4th on the way). Currently available are the kits for the BitX Multiband SSB Exciter (£79.95 + S&H), The linear board (£19.99 + S&H), and the VFO (£84.50 + S&H with Si570 pre mounted). Coming soon is the band pass filter kit, which will cover all 9 Amateur Radio bands. Any of these components can be used individually for your own homebrew projects.
-DZ Kit. http://www.dzkit.com/
· Sienna Transceiver Kit. This is a high end, full-featured transceiver with many options. The Sienna can be a full-control stand-alone rig, or a computer-controlled-only rig. Available in 10 and 100 watt version. Kits start at $2797 + S&H for the computer-only 10 watt model.
· -Out Of Stock- HT-7 7Meter AM Walkie Talkie. The HT-7 is a simple AM handie-talkie that operates on the 40M AM calling frequency. $170.00 + S&H
-Kits By EA3GCY http://www.qsl.net/ea3gcy/index.html. This is the home of the ILER transceiver kits, as well as the ILER DDS-VFO. Shipped worldwide from Spain. All prices in Euros.
· ILER QRP SSB Monoband Transceiver Kit. Available for 20 or 40 Meters. Covers 60 – 100 Khz segment of the band chosen. Several coverage options available. 12-14 VDC. Output 4 – 5 Watts. Requires dynamic mic. VFO available as an additional kit. 77,50€ + S&H
· -NEW- EGV-40 CW QRP 40M Transceiver. 40M CW Band. Stable VXO and very low current, 25mA RX (no signal), 3,5W out. PCB 100x85mm / 140 grams, heatsink included (no box). VXO tuning 40 kHz CW segment in 40M band. 72,50€ + S&H
-Elecraft. http://www.elecraft.com/
· K3 Modular Kit. The K3 is Elecraft’s top of the line. Available in 10 and 100 watt versions and with a multitude of options. The modular kit comes with mostly pre-assembled boards that need to be plugged in. The K3 kit starts at $1599.95 and increases depending on what options you choose.
· KX3 Modular Kit. The KX3 is Elecraft’s newest transceiver. Similar to the K3 in features, but in a compact portable package. This is a modular kit like the K3 that requires you to assemble the pre-soldered boards. Many options available. Starts at $899.95
· K2 Kit. The K2 is available only as a full kit. This is not a modular kit like the two above, but a full kit for the advanced kit builder. The K2 is a full-featured transceiver available in 10 and 100 watt versions, and with many options. Basic kit starts at $759.95
· K1 Kit. The K1 is a small portable CW transceiver available as either a 2 or 4 band rig. You choose which bands you want at the end of the kit build. Adjustable output from 0 to 5 watts. The 2 band model starts at $299.95
· KX1 Kit. The KX1 is an ultra-portable CW transceiver. Available with 2 bands in the basic model, and upgradeable to 4. ! to 4 watt output. Starting at $299.95
-Electronics USA. http://electronicsusa.com/productsham.html
· A nice collection of kits including keys, keyers, and clocks.
· Emtech is currently out of stock on their NW-series radios. Check back. In the meantime, they have the excellent ZM-2 QRP tuner kit.
-Etherkit. http://www.etherkit.com/ Etherkit is run by Jason Milldrum, NT7S, who prides himself in keeping his products completely open-source. He currently offers 1 each receiver and transmitter kit, but is working on the impressive CC1 open source transceiver (http://tinyurl.com/etherkitcc1) .
· -NEW- CRX1 Receiver. The CRX1 is a simple VXO-tuned superheterodyne receiver for the 40 meter band, with tuning centered around the popular QRP watering hole frequency of 7.030 MHz. It is entirely constructed from surface mount devices in the easy-to-build 0805 (US) size for passive components and SOT-23 class semiconductors. The PCB is large and single-sided, which provides for uncramped construction and makes the CRX1 an ideal warm-up kit for the CC1 QRP transceiver (coming soon). $40.00 + S&H
· -NEW- Open Beacon Kit. OpenBeacon is an open source crystal-controlled QRPp beacon transmitter kit which can output a variety of slow-speed modes, including QRSS, DFCW, and Sequential Multi-tone Hellschreiber. It is configured via USB port, so there are no jumpers to set and you can easily adjust all of the operating parameters via command line. Once configuration is complete, OpenBeacon may be removed from the PC and operate stand-alone. $40.00 + S&H
-Fox Delta. http://products.foxdelta.com/ A great collection of ham radio kits. Includes computer interfaces, APRS kits, and more.
-Free Time Goods (eBay). http://stores.ebay.com/FREE-TIME-GOODS This eBay seller carries WSPR receiver kits, available for the 20 and 30 Meter bands.
· -NEW- WSPR Receiver kit. Available for 20 and 30 Meters (does not always have both in stock). Connects to your computer via USB, which also power the kit. Uses the K1JT WSPR software. $49.99 + S&H (sometimes sold for less at auction price)
-Genesis Radio (Australia). http://www.genesisradio.com.au/order.html not all kits are available. Many are listed as sold out, but I assume will become available again. Prices are in Australian dollars. This is the only one currently available:
· G11 5 band SDR Transceiver Kit. Power output 10 W. SMT components factory pre-assembled, buyer to assemble only large through hole components. Price in AUS$: $299.00 + S&H
· --LIMITED AVAILABILITY--G59 All Mode 160-6M SDR transceiver kit. The G59 is an all-mode 160-6m SDR transceiver with 10mW of output power. The output is boosted to 10W with the GPA10 linear amplifier. Genesis kits are produced in batches of 50 units at a time. Current demand for the G59 is much greater than our production capability. The best way to get a hold of a Genesis kit is to subscribe to our GenesisRadio Yahoo group and watch for announcements. G59: $349.00 + S&H, GPA10: $129.00 + S&H
-GQRP Club http://www.gqrp.com/sudden.htm. This QRP club from the UK, offers some of its designs in kit form. They have Limerick-style construction transmitters and receivers, as well as a matching tuner. Prices are lower for members, and anyone can join. Prices are in British Pounds.
· GQRP Club "Limerick Sudden" Transmitter Kit. Designed to match the Limerick Sudden receiver kit. The circuitry is a VXO, followed by a buffer and the PA is a 2N3866. The output is around 2 watts,the VXO & buffer are keyed by another transistor and there is muting on the RX antenna feed. There are 4 toroids to wind – a coupling transformer, and the 3 inductors of the 7 element low pass filter. The kit uses the “Limerick” method of construction, as used in the earlier receiver. The pads are actually etched on the board (like surface mount), and the interconnections between them are PCB tracks, hidden under the solder masking. No "through hole" connections are made, although "through hole" components are used. Available in 40 Meter version, more to follow. The kit includes all components, the complete case, and knob. £42.00 + S&H
· GQRP Club "Limerick Sudden" Receiver Kit. Built around two integrated circuit chips; the SA602 and the LM386. Both lend themselves to simple receiver construction. Uses same method of construction as above, and is available in 160m, 80m, 40m, 30m, or 20m versions. Includes all components, complete case, and 9V battery. £42.00 + S&H
-The Ham QRP DIY Kit Shack on AliExpress. http://www.aliexpress.com/store/group/HAM-QRP-DIY-Kit/331885_251085312.html. An interesting new find. They sell 3 QRP kits, and various accessories. All kits come with crystals for 7023 kHz, but can be changed by the builder for any other 40 Meter crystal. Pixie requres one crystal, Frog needs two, and the Super RockMite needs three, all the same freq. I haven't purchased from them yet, but I am planning on trying out some of these. I posted a question on the store page, and got an answer less than 5 minutes later!
· -NEW-Pixie Kit (Improved). An updated and very clean looking version of the famous Pixie 2. Built for 40 Meters. Includes crystal for 7023 kHz. 100 - 200 mw output. Adjustable receive from 7023-7026. $10.24 + S&H
· -NEW-Frog QRP Kit. A little more sophisticated than the Pixie, but still very simple. About 1.8 Watts at 12 Volts. Includes crystals for 7023 kHz, and adjustable receive from 7023-7026. $19.12 + S&H
· -NEW-Super RockMite Kit. This looks like an expanded and improved RockMite transceiver. same features as the RockMite we knwo and love, with a serial port for computer control. Also, it looks to be all through-hole parts, making it an easier build than the US RockMite. With Small Wonder shutting down this is another option. $29.84 + S&H
-Hamtronics. http://www.hamtronics.com/menu_products.htm
· Hamtronics offers a variety of VHF and UHF receiver and exciter kits as well as many other interesting items.
-Hendricks QRP Kits http://www.qrpkits.com/ One of the best selections of Ham Radio related kits on the Internet. Quite a few accessories too!
· BitX20A/17A SSB Transceiver. The BitX20A and BitX17A are complete SSB kits with board, all parts, digital display and custom powder coated and punched case that is based on the BitX20 that was designed by Ashlan Farhan. Output is about 10 Watts. $180.00 + S&H
· PFR-3a 3-Band Portable Field Radio. Bands : 40 meters, 30 meters and 20 meters. Tuning range: Full band coverage. Mode: CW only. $240.00 + S&H
· NADC30/40 CW Transceiver. Nearly All Discrete Component CW Transceiver for either 30m or 40m. Tuning range ~ 60 kHz. Power output: 3.5 watts. Full Kit: $130.00 + S&H
· Ft Tuthill 15 Meter CW Transceiver. Two 60 KHz tuning ranges, ~ 21.000 - 21.060 and 21.075 - 21.135 MHz. Power Output: 5 Watts. Complete Kit (w/ case and digital dial) $130.00 + S&H
· Ft Tuthill 160 Meter CW Transceiver. Two 30 KHz tuning ranges, ~ 1800 - 1835 and 1830 - 1865 MHz. Power Output: 5 Watts. Complete Kit (w/ case and digital dial) $130.00 + S&H
· DCxxB Board Only Trasceiver Kit. These radios are the next generation of the popular DC40 transceiver that was also designed by Steve Weber. The kit will come with 1 crystal for the band specified. 7.040 for DC40, 10.120 for DC30, 14.060 for DC20. Board-Only kit with decals: $30.00 + S&H
· Weber Tri-Bander. The Weber Tri-Bander can be built for any three of these bands: 80, 40, 30, 20, 17, or 15. 5 Watts out on all bands at 13.8 VDC. Built in Iambic keyer with 5 to 40 wpm code speed. DDS VFO for rock steady stability with 50 Hz and 200 Hz tuning rates. Many more features! $200 + S&H
· Scout Regen Receiver. A simple 2 band regenerative radio receiver that is capable of receiving signals from 3.5 to 11 MHz. A complete kit with L shaped aluminum chassis, quality doublesided silkscreened soldermasked board, all parts, hookup wire, board mounted battery holder. This kit is ideal for the first time builder. $50.00 + S&H
· SMK-2 40m Surface Mount CW Transceiver. The SMK-2 is a fully functional surface mount component 40 meter transceiver. It has an independently tuned transmitter and direct conversion receiver. Full break-in TX with sidetone, and a modest 350mW output. The crystal VXO on receiver allow about 3 kHz+ tuning range on the crystal frequency. It was originally conceived as the SMK-1, a platform to teach SMT construction techniques. Transceiver Kit: $40.00 + S&H, Optional switched crystal board: $10.00 + S&H
· TwoFer Plus CW Transmitter. The TwoFer Plus is a simple transmitter that will be offered on 40, 30, and 20 meters. The kits come with crystals in the qrp region of the band. It will put out approximately 1 Watt using a 2N3053 transistor for the final. It has a crystal based VXO that will give about 1.5kHz on 40, and 3kHz on 20. It also has a built in T-R switch on the board that mutes the receiver during transmit. We have upgraded the kit with a custom prepunched case that was designed by Ken LoCasale, WA4MNT. The kit comes complete, with all parts, connectors, case, knobs, wire, and our usual commercial quality double sided, plated through, silkscreened solder masked board. $35.00 + S&H
· KD1JV Survivor 75m SSB transceiver. There is a long story about the history of this kit on the website. This is a re-design of the Epiphyte transceiver from Norcal. 10 Watts output, SSB, CW, and TUNE modes, Covers a user selectable portion of 75 Meters, either 325 or 175 kHz wide, selectable at build time. All through-hole construction. Requires 13.8 volts @ 2 Amps min. Basic kit: $100.00 + S&H, or Kit with Digital Dial, and Mic for $140.00 + S&H
· Simple Receiver. A new design from Dan Tayloe, which can be built for either 30 or 40 Meters. VFO controlled and superhet. 40M coverage is 7.000 - 7.022, and 7.024 - 7.049. 30M coverage is 10.100 - 10.120. Headphone level output, 3 pole crystal filter, AGC, and much more. $50.00 + S&H
· Simple Transmitter. Also from Dan Tayloe. Designed to replace the Twofer eventually. Initially sold for 10 Meters only, since the Twofer had issue with 10 Meters. 4 Watts out at 12V. Spot switch, built in keyer, receiver T/R switch with "mute" output. $50 + S&H
-HF Projects. http://www.hfprojectsyahoo.com/ HF Projects carries the HF Packer amp kit for boosting the power of your QRP projects. Includes all parts, and a predrilled case and heat sink. There are accessories for modifying the amp for other uses, and you can purchase the relay controlled LPF from the Packer amp separately.
-Hobby PCB. http://www.hobbypcb.com/amateur-radio Hobby PCB sells an amplifier kit called the HardRock 50. This is an evolving project, but produces a very nice 50 Watt amp. They have an active Yahoo Group for help too. They also have a 5 Watt drive board to use the HardRock with low power (.5 Watt) radios, and they carry the boards for the WA2EUJ DSP-610 project.
-HSC (Halted Specialties Company). http://www.halted.com/ HSC is a great source for components, but they also sell a Pixie II Kit w/o crystals.
· Pixie II Kit. This includes the components for 80 and 40 meter versions of the famous Pixie II kit. It does not come with crystals, but HSC has them available individually or in a 6-pack. $14.95 + S&H
-JUMA. http://www.jumaradio.com/juma/ All prices are in EUROS € I have emailed JUMA asking them for status on their kits, as nothing seems to be available at the moment. They replied explaining that they are transferring logistics to a new company and hope to have kits by the end of the year.
· Series one kits. Currently out of stock. All DDS controlled, covering 80, and 40 meters. RX1 Receiver, 74.80€, TX1 Transmitter, 80.33€, and TRX1 Transceiver, 169.00€.\
· Series two kits. Two kits available. TRX2 currently out of stock. Both are high dynamic range, 10W output, SSB and CW transceiver kits, using quadrature sampling techniques for demodulation and modulation with low noise phasing. VFO is DDS controlled for a good frequency stability. TRX2 2-band model (80 and 40) 395.00€, and TRX2A 80 thru 10 model with general coverage receiver, 499.00€
- K5BCQ & K5JHF Kits http://www.qsl.net/k5bcq/Kits/Kits.html These Hams from the Austin QRP Club offer a page of accessories and support kits. The most interesting thing on this page is the SDR2GO Kit. This is a replacement for the computer and soundcard in a standard I/Q SDR setup. You are meant to use this with an existing SDR board (like Tony Parks' RXTX Ensemble) to create a complete standalone SDR. They even have a graphics display kit option. There is also a 20 Watt amp, an Si570 Controller with display, a programmable keyer, and much more. Very reasonable too!
-Kanga Products UK http://www.kanga-products.co.uk/. Kanga Products, UK is a separate company from Kanga US, although they have some similar products. Kanga UK has several interesting kits, as well as accessories. Ships worldwide. Prices in British Pounds
· -NEW- Open QRP Transceiver. Similar to the Ten-Tec 506 Rebel. Based on the Open QRP design from Steve K1EL. has an LCD display and front panel controls for Tune, RIT, RF Gain, and 6 push buttons. Output is 6 to 8 Watts at 13.5 V. The Open QRP transceiver also includes a separate chip that decodes incoming CW and CW sent via paddles! £89 + S&H
· Finningley 80M SDR Reciever. This kit was produced for the Microwave Roundtable earlier this year. Kanga Products have kindly been given permission to re-produce the kit. This simple SMD kit is a great way to get into Software Defined Radio. £16.50 + S&H
· G0NQE 80M SDR Reciever. The G0NQE-Acorn SDR receiver was designed for a Pontefract Radio Club project. It was built by a number of club members in February 2011 and was a great success. The kit covers 2 switched sections of the 80m phone band, and comes complete with all PCB components plus external components and screen printed PCB, made provision is made to add switchablebandpass filters, with a change of crystals the Acorn SDR can easily be made into a multiband receiver. £19.95 + S&H
· Sudden 2 Receiver. Available for 80, 40, or 30 Meters. Based closely on the original SUDDEN but with the following differences: Tuning is by variable capacitance diode, removing the need for an expensive tuning capacitor. The SA602 mixer/oscillator chip is fed from a 5 volt regulator, so a 9v or 12v supply can be used. The audio amplifier circuit, based on an LM386, now has hiss-reducing components. The audio gain control, RF attenuator and tuning control are mounted on the PCB. The kit is supplied with Toko 10K coils, but the board can also be used with toroidal coils if Toko coils become obsolete. The PCB has a solder mask and the component positions are marked in white screen printing. There is provision on the board for a switched-bandwidth audio filter and a mute circuit with adjustable sidetone bypass. £28.50 + S&H
· Foxx-3 Transceiver. The FOXX-3 is the latest version of the ever-popular FOXX. Designed by Derek Alexander, it incorporates a sidetone oscillator, changeover relay and low-pass filter. It fits inside anAltoids (TM) mint tin and all connections are made via vertical connectors which are concealed when the lid is closed. The connections are as follows: antenna via 50 ohm BNC, power via 2 pin 0.1" header, headphones via 3.5mm mono or stereo jack plug or 2 pin header, Morse key via 3.5mm mono or stereo jack plug or 2 pin header. We also supply a small PCB-mounted switch which can be used as the key for ultimate portability. All you need to add are a 12 volt DC supply, headphones and an antenna and tuner. Available for 20, 30, 40, or 80 Meters. £29.95 + S&H
-Kanga US. http://www.kangaus.com/
· Several inexpensive kits for the radio hobbyist, mostly supplied as a "bag of parts" with a schematic. The owner of Kanga US has temporarily closed shop, as he is recovering from a stroke. From the comments on his post on the main page, it looks like he is planning to reopen soon.
-Kenneke CommunicationsLLC http://www.kenneke.com/index.html. Kenneke Communications, LLC offers Unique Electronic and Hobbyist Plans, Electronics Items, Kits, Surplus Radio Electronics Amateur Radio Kits, AM/FM Low Power Broadcasting (FCC Part-15) Supplies. They have another version of the Pixie II Transceiver kit, as well as some other interesting radio-related kits. Website is back up but it does not allow you to order anything.
· Pixie II CW Transceiver Kit. A very simple and inexpensive transceiver kit that can be built to operate on any one band from 10 to 160 Meters. Several crystals also available as well as a 7MHz VFO kit, a connector kit, and more. $29.95 including shipping in the USA.
-Kit Radio Company http://www.kitradio.co.uk/ KRC Offers mostly Shortwave receivers, but also has an 80 Meter direct conversion receiver, as well as some accessories. Prices are in British Pounds. Not sure about shipping costs outside of the UK.
· KRC-1, 4-Band Superhet. Comes in 5 easy-to-build stages: 1) MW TRF receiver driving an earphone, 2) Audio amplifier providing speaker output, 3) The TRF receiver is converted to an IF amplifier, 4) Mixer/oscillator converting the receiver to a 4 band superhet, 5) BFO to enable CW/SSB reception. Built on two circuit boards and comes with a pre-cut and labeled case. Runs on 6AA batteries (included). £65.99 + S&H
· KRC-2, Regenerative SW Receiver. 1 – 30 MHz in 3 bands. Easy build. Very sensitive. Nice case and all accessories included. Runs on 6AA batteries (included). £54.99 + S&H
· KRC-4, Beginners TRF Receiver. 2 bands: 800 kHz to 1.6 MHz, and 4 to 8 MHz. Uses a reflex circuit and only one transistor. Band selection is achieved with 2 plug in pre-wound coils. Will drive an earphone with only a few feet of wire as an antenna. Includes earphone, 3 AA batteries, and engraved front panel. £24.99 + S&H
· KRC-5, 80 Meter Direct Conversion Receiver. Designed around the SA602 and LM386 chips. Receives CW and SSB from 3.5 to 3.8 MHz. Includes earphone, 3 AA batteries, and engraved front panel. £25.99 + S&H
-Kits and Parts dot com. http://www.kitsandparts.com/index.php K&P sells a line of accessory kits (filters, amps, etc) as well as parts for your own projects. They have a huge selection of ferrite toroids. They currently sell one transceiver kit.
· -NEW- Flying Pig Rig CW Transceiver. A 5 Watt crystal controlled transceiver built for 7030.7, 7122 or 3561 KHz. Full QSK, one Sideband only, Single Conversion Design. Includes built in keyer IC. $42.00 + S&H
-MFJ http://www.mfjenterprises.com/ MFJ has been a source for all things Ham Radio for years. They have a couple of kits in the catalog, plus they own Vectronics, also listed in this guide.
· MFJ-8100K World Band SWL Receiver Kit. Regenerative general coverage receiver covering 3.51 - 4.31 MHz, 5.95 - 7.40 MHz, 9.56 - 12.05 MHz, 13.21 - 16.4 MHz, and 17.6-22 MHz. $79.95 + S&H
· MFJ-93xxK QRP Cub Transceiver Kits. QRP Transceiver available in 80, 40, 30, 20, 17, or 15. Output 2 Watts (except 1 Watt on 17 and 15). $99.95 + S&H
-Mini Kits (AUS). http://www.minikits.com.au/ Lots of accessories in kit form from down under. Bandpass filters, amps, and much more.
-North Country Radio. http://www.northcountryradio.com/index.htm NCR is a source for many amateur related kits. Too much to list here, but they have several ATV related items.
-Oak Hills Research. http://www.ohr.com/ Founded by Doug DeMaw W1FB, the godfather of QRP. One transceiver kit, and several accessories.
· OHR 100A single band CW transceiver kit. Offered in 80, 40, 30, 20, and 15 Meter versions. Each can be aligned to cover 70-80Khz. 5 Watt output. $149.95 + S&H
-OpenQRP. http://openqrp.com This is the US home of the Open QRP project by K1EL.
- -New- OpenQRP CW Transceiver Kit. Similar to the Ten-Tec 506 Rebel. Based on the Open QRP design from Steve K1EL. has an LCD display and front panel controls for Tune, RIT, RF Gain, and 6 push buttons. Output is 6 to 8 Watts at 13.5 V. The Open QRP transceiver also includes a separate chip that decodes incoming CW and CW sent via paddles! $160 shipped to the USA
-OZ QRP (Australia) http://www.ozqrp.com/index.html. Owned by Leon Williams (VK2DOB). Offers the MST (Minimalist Sideband Transceiver) as “short-form” kits (PCB plus specialized and hard to get parts). Ships worldwide. Prices in Australian Dollars.
· The MST (Minimalist Sideband Transceiver). Complete SSB transceiver on a single PCB (just add a VFO). Superhet receiver using a 4 pole 10MHz crystal filter. 5W PEP minimum power. Front panel LED transmit power and modulation indicator. Simple and easy to build using all through hole components. DDS VFO available as an add-on kit. PCB Only $AU 15.00 + S&H, MST Kit $AU 35.00 + S&H, MST + DDS VFO $AU 75.00 + S&H
-QRP Project (Germany) http://www.qrpproject.de/UK/indexuk.html. Many kits here, but also a very confusing website, with much of the links to German pages that need to be translated. Quite a few kits though. All prices in Euros
-QRPme. http://www.qrpme.com/ Several kits and accessories here. They also have an intriguing kit of the month club” delivering kits to you every month. The Topper II P.A. just added band packs, making it an attractive little QRP amp. QRPme is the new home of the official RockMite.
· -New- RockMite. This is QRPme's re-vamped version of Small Wonder Lab's RockMite kit. The kit has been updated so that it is now all thru-hole construction. The previous version required some SMT work. 0.5 Watts at 13 Volts. Automatic reversible offset, sidetone, built in keyer, fits in a standard Altoids tin. Available in an assortment of frequencies for 20, 30, 40, and 80 meters. Special introductory price: $40.00 + S&H
· Micro 80D. Small tunable 80 meter CW transceiver kit. $35 + S&H
· Lil Squall Transceiver. A version of the Pixie Transceiver. A tinkerers delight. It fits in a small tuna can. Includes a socket for the FINAL transistor for easy experimenting with output power. Likewise, the feedback caps in the oscillator circuit also have sockets making it easy to experiment with new bands. The crystal also has a socket for easily moving the operating frequency about a band. Comes will ALL the parts necessary to complete the transceiver and a 7122 crystal for operating the Lil' Squall ][ in an area where other minimalist rigs hang out, AND the 'officially unofficial' TUNA NET frequency for tuna can gatherings. $35 + S&H
· Super Tuna II+. A version of the Sudden Transmitter from the GQRP Club. Transmitter section is comprised of an oscillator, buffer and final driver transistor. Produces 2 watts at 12.6 volts. Frequency dependent components are mounted on an easily changed band module. The basic kit comes with a band module for 40 meter operation. $40 + S&H
· Tuna Tin 2 35th Anniversary Isuue. A re-issue of the original TT2 transmitter. Parts are laid out on the board in the exact same way the schematic is drawn. Simple, and easy to build. Comes with crystal for 7.030. $25 + S&H
· EZ Build Two-Tinned-Tuna Transmitter. EZ build version with no toroids to wind. Several socketed parts for experimenting and comes with 2 crystals for 40 meters. $30 + S&H
· Sudden Storm Receiver Kit. Great companion to any of the tuna can transmitters. Comes with components for 40 meters but can be operated on 80, 30, and 20 using the upgrade kit. $35 + S&H
· Reggie II Transceiver Kit. A lesson in minimalist design. The Reggie uses the Limerick construction technique. Output is about 100mW. $40 + S&H
-Radio Adventures Company. http://www.radioadv.com/
· R1 Code Practice Receiver. High quality fixed frequency CW receivers designed for simple operation. Standard models are available for W1AW frequencies in the 80, 40 and 20 meter bands. $29.95 + S&H
-Radio-Kits.com.uk. http://www.radio-kits.co.uk/ These folks sell a couple of radio kits (listed below), and a few neat accessories including a CW kit that will work with many SSB-only radios. All prices in British Pounds.
· MKARS80 SSB Transceiver. This kit is based on the same design that is used in the BITX20 from Hendricks, but modified for 80 meter use. Main changes from Ashhar's original design are the inclusion of a frequency counter and a Huff and Puff frequency stabilizer. Covers from 3.5 to 3.8 Mhzwith about 5 Watts output. This kit is a bargain! Ranging from a basic no-case kit for £65.00 shipped to the USA, to full kit with connectors, knobs, and an undrilled case for £(case version currently out of stock)
· -Currently Out of Stock. Email first- Hunter SDR Receiver / Panadapter. This looks like an interesting and economical SDR kit, that can also be controlled by an existing rig for use as a panadapter. £87.00 shipped to the USA
-Radi0shop (eBay store). http://stores.ebay.com/radi0shop This eBay store is selling a couple versions of the Pixie II transceiver. They currently have 80 meter, and 40 meter versions. Looks like a very simple build. $39.00 free shipping.
-Rainbow Kits. http://www.rainbowkits.com/index.html Rainbow has a large selection of kits for the tinkerer, and one receiver kit for amateur radio, and several accessories.
· -NEW- REC2 2 Meter - 10 Meter - 220 MHz FM Receiver. This receiver is a dual conversion (10.7MHz tuned IF) with 2uV sensitivity and band width of 5KHz. It has 400mw of audio output. The only adjustments are easily tuned using one of these items - TV, cable converter, frequency counter, or a service monitor. The kit is varactor tuned with volume and squelch controls. All of the parts are included for each frequency. You choose what frequency to build. $34.95 + S&H
-Ramsey Electronics. http://www.ramseyelectronics.com/ Ramsey has so many kits that it makes it hard to list them all. Several transmitters and receivers for Ham Radio, a SW receiver, and much more.
· 20,30, or 40 meter receiver kits. Superhet DC design. Covers about 500 kHz of the selected band. CW SSB, and AM. With a nice case, knobs and front panel. $44.95 + S&H
· 20,30, or 40 meter CW transmitter kits. Crystal controlled with VCXO that gives you about a 20 kHz spread. around the chosen frequency. Sockets for two crystals with a switch on the from panel. About 1 watt out with 12 volts input. $49.95 + S&H
-Small Wonder Labs. http://www.smallwonderlabs.com/ Small Wonder Labs, home of the RockMite transceiver for so many years, has closed for business. QRPME.com, the tuna can people will be taking over official production of the famous RockMite. They are listed elsewhere in this guide. There are a couple of un-official sources for SWL designs too. The Ham QRP DIY Shack listed in this guide is offering a different updated version of the RockMite, and AG6BD (eBay seller) is selling a new version of the retired SW20 transceiver.
-Ten-Tec. http://www.tentec.com/categories/Products-by-Area-of-Interest/Kit-Building/ Ten-Tec has 8 Radio kits available.
· QRP Transceiver Kits (20,30,40, or 80 meters). 3 watts power output. covers a 50 kHz segment determined by you at the time of construction. With pre-labeled and painted case. $124.00 + S&H
· 9 Band Regenerative Receiver. 1.760 - 1.990 MHz, 3.3 - 4.150 MHz, 5.5 – 6.9 MHz, 6.9 – 8.5 MHz, 8.5 – 11 MHz, 10.1 – 13.2 MHz, 12.5 – 16 MHz, 14.7 – 18.5 MHz, 18.5 – 21.5 MHz Integrated audio amp IC for clean robust audio from internal speaker or headphones. includes parts, circuit board, assembly manual, battery holder, speaker, complete enclosure, and knobs. $93.00 + S&H
· 4 Band Regenerative Receiver. 5.9 - 6.4 Mhz, 6.9 - 7.4 Mhz, 8.5 - 10.2 Mhz, 11.5 - 16.5 Mhz. Comes with finished front panel. No knobs or case. $41.95 + S&H
· -DISCONTINUED- Digital Readout Superhet Receiver 1254. 100 Khz to 20 Mhz coverage. Several option available to improve performance from 3rd parties. Discontinued due to parts availablility.
· Any Band Direct Conversion Receiver Kit. Includes all of the parts and instructions to let you build the receiver (or change it to) ANY band of your choice (160, 80, 75, 40, 30, 20, 17, 15, 12 or 10 meters). $39.00 + S&H
· 506 Rebel open-source QRP receiver for 20 or 40 Meters. The basic Rebel comes with no frequency display. When you turn the radio on it comes up on the calling frequency of 7030 or 14060 depending on which band is selected. There is no VFO but a DDS chip that allows the Chip Kit Uno 32 to select a frequency on which to operate. The LEDs flash in a way to indicate the frequency in steps. This is based on the same design as the OpenQRP $199 + S&H More info here: http://qrper.com/2013/05/ten-tec-introduces-the-model-506-rebel-an-open-source-qrp-transceiver/
-Tony Parks, KB9YIG. http://fivedash.com/ Tony seems to have partnered up with someone to get kits out faster. The new website lists 4 kits available currently. Although this is not kit-related, Tony is offering an assembled version of the Softrock RX Ensemble II for $92.00. Tony has also added custom cases for the Ensemble receiver, and transceiver right on the site.
· SoftRock RX Ensemble II Receiver Kit. The SoftRock RX Ensemble II Receiver Kit includes the components for building the kit for LF, 180kHz through 3.0 MHz, operation or for HF, 1.8 MHz through 30 MHz. $67.00
· SoftRock Lite II Combined Receiver Kit. The SoftRock Lite II kit now includes the components to build it for one of the following bands: 160m, 80m, 40m, 30m or 20m. This replaces prior Lite II kits that were set to a specific band when ordered. The SoftRock Lite II provides a simple to build SDR receiver with a fixed center frequency to be used with a sound card that can sample at 96 kHz, providing band coverage from 48 KHz below the center frequency to 48 KHz above the center frequency. $21.00
· SoftRock RXTX Ensemble Transceiver Kit. The SoftRock RXTX Ensemble Transceiver Kit provides a 1 watt SDR transceiver that can be built for one of the following four band groups: 160m, 80m/40m, 30m/20m/17m or 15m/12m/10m. $89.00
· SoftRock 6m/4m/2m RX Ensemble Receiver Kit. The SoftRock 6m/4m/2m RX Ensemble Receiver Kit may be built from the parts included in the kit for one of the three VHF frequency ranges. $68.00
-Unified Microsystems. http://www.unifiedmicro.com/ Unified Micro sells a nice line of accessories including a couple of kits. Of special note is the SCI-6 sound card interface kit, for operating in digital modes.
-Vectronics (MFJ) http://www.vectronics.com/Categories.php?sec=209. Vectronics has a large selection of Ham Radio kits and accessories. Some of their products are similar, or even identical to their parent company's products (MFJ).
· QRP Transceiver Kits for 80/40/30/20 Meters. VXO frequency control, broad-banded transmitter circuitry, solid one Watt plus output, shaped keying, 0.3 uV sensitivity, direct conversion receiver. Includes crystal for popular QRP frequency Order VEC-1380K (80 Meters),VEC-1340K(40 Meters),VEC-1330K(30 Meters),VEC-1320K(20 Meters), $59.95 + S&H
· 20/30/40/80 Meter Receiver Kits. Covers entire band or tailor to cover desired portion. Copy CW/SSB/AM. NE602/ 612 mixer-oscillator, LM386 high gain audio amplifier. Order VEC-1120K (20 Meters),VEC-1130K(30 Meters),VEC-1140K (40 Meters),VEC-1180K (80 Meters),$29.95 + S&H
· 20/30/40/80 Meter QRP CW transmitter kit. Kits have variable crystal oscillator tuning, front panel switch selects 1 of 2 crystals. 1 crystal included. Transmit and Receive switch. Order VEC-1220K (20 Meters),VEC-1230K (30 Meters),VEC-1240K (40 Meters),VEC-1280K (80 Meters),$29.95 + S&H
· 2/6/10 Meter FM Receiver Kits. Each covers the entire FM sub-band and runs off your 9V battery. Plug in speaker or headphones for clear reception. VEC-1002K (2 Meters), VEC-1006K (6M), VEC-1010K (10M),$34.95 + S&H
· Shortwave Receiver Kit (Regen). Covers 75/80, 49, 40, 30, 31, 20, 25, 22, 19, 17, 16, 15 and 13 Meter bands. Explore AM, SSB, CW, WWV, and digital signals. Vernier reduction drive, smooth regeneration control, RF stage. Includes all metal cabinet. 2 earphone jacks. Uses 9V battery. $79.95 + S&H
-Walford Electronics http://walfords.net/. An impressive list of kits designed by UK Ham, Tim Walford (G3PCJ), as well as accessories. Ships internationally. All prices in British Pounds
· The Berrow CW Transceiver. A new specialist 1.5 W CW TCVR for any single band 20 - 80m that has a direct conversion receiver with the local oscillator derived by mixing the VFO with the output of a crystal oscillator and digital dividers for the chosen operating band - this provides genuine VFO operation, good stability and avoids chirp. For setting up the VFO, you will need a counter or general coverage RX. The supply range is 9 to 16volts and the kit includes all parts to build it in a small upright but it can easily be installed in a case. £59.00 + S&H
· The Lydford SSB Phone Transceiver. Built for any single band 20 – 80m inclusive – your choice when you receive the kit! The RX has a doubled tuned RF filter that feeds a SA602 first mixer, which is followed by an IF amplifier prior to the 6 MHz five crystal ladder IF filter. This is followed by another SA602 for the CIO/product detector, and then two stages of audio amplification. Main tuning is by a PolyVaricon, with a potentiometer controlled varactor diode for fine adjustment. To help with the wide range of LO frequencies needed for the available bands, the kit contains a digital divider that is driven by the VFO for the lower frequency bands. The main PCB is a double sided 100 x 160 mm; the kit includes all front panel parts and a plain single sided PCB that you can lay out to your own design of front panel. £79 + S&H.
· The Brendon Phone (DSB) Transceiver. A phone transceiver project aimed at builders with limited experience where ease of assembly is important; the PCB has been laid out with plenty of space and it includes a small front panel. It is normally supplied for 80m using a ceramic resonator VFO giving coverage of the lower half of the phone section of the band. Consult with Tim for other bands. The transmitter uses double sideband modulation, with a suppressed carrier - this is fully compatible with other stations using single sideband! The robust IRF510 RF output transistor is mounted on aheatsink to make it more tolerant of abuse, and produces 1.5W of RF on a nominal 12 volt supply. The transmitter RF amplifier has its own RF drive control preset to ensure that the output stage does not limit on speech peaks. A double half wave filter removes the unwanted transmitter harmonics. The rig’s TR relay is controlled from the mike’s PTT switch and mutes the RX during transmission. There are many options for experiment and it can also drive the 10W Linear RF amp described in the Accessories section. The main PCB is double sided 100 x 100 mm. It needs an 9 to 16 volt supply. Price is £49 + S&H
· The Bridgewater Superhet Receiver. A sensitive phone superhet RX for any single band 20 - 80m. You decide which band to use it on when you get the kit! The RX has supply protection and the kit includes a small PCB front panel. The main PCB is 100 mm square and can be easily boxed if you prefer. If you want to use it for CW, then add the Mini CW kit; for AGC, add the Mini AGC kit. The RX only price is £59.00 + S&H
· The Burnham SSB Transceiver for Bridgewater. This is the transmitter for the Bridgwater RX. Together they form a single sideband phone TCVR for any single band 20 - 80m. The TX has a speech amplifier suitable for dynamic microphones. The Burnham output stage uses a robust IRF510 (with heatsink) that feeds the transmitter low pass filters and provides up to 1.5W pk of SSB output. There is provision also for driving the 10W Linear amplifier if you wish to add that. Like the RX, the TX can also be used with the Mini CW kit. The Burnham is a 100 x 80 mm PCB which must be mounted immediately behind the Bridgwater. This TX can only be used with the Bridgwater RX, so there is only one (discounted!) price for both - £84 + S&H\
· The Brue CW Transceiver. A builder friendly design with several advantages over earlier versions of direct conversion projects for those wanting to work CW. The parts are now laid out with more space making it much easier to build. It is a single band rig, normally for 80m (For bands other than 80m, up to 20m, you can fit a suitable QRP calling frequency crystal instead of the ceramic resonator but the tuning range will only be a few KHz). Transmitter output is 1.5W using a 13.8 volt supply. It can be easily mounted in your own case if you prefer. There are many options for experiment and it can also drive the 10W Linear RF amp. The main PCB is doubled sided about 100 x 100 mm. It includes protection for reversed supplies which should be between 9 and 16 volts. Price is £44.00 + S&H
· The Tone Superhet Receiver. An entry level superhet receiver project. The Tone is for 80m phone operation. It has a 5 crystal ladder 6 MHz IF filter and double tuned RF filters to reject unwanted signals. The audio output stage can drive a small loud speaker or modern Walkman type 32R phones. The receiver has reversed supply protection and can run off 9 to 15 volt DC supplies. While designed for phone use, it can also be used for CW, where the advantage of single sideband reception will be especially apparent - the band will appear far less crowded through elimination of the unwanted CW sidebands. For CW use, add the Mini CW kit; for AGC add the Mini AGC kit. The Tone kit includes all parts to build it in a small upright format. The matching SSB phone TX is the Parrett (below). The new 3D counter is recommended for those wanting a frequency readout. The Tone price is £44.00 + S&H
· The Parrett Transmitter. This is the matching transmitter to go with the Tone RX. It is also a superhet and provides single sideband phone operation on 80m. The RF output power is nominally 1.5 Watt when used on a 13.8 volt supply. The TX uses the VFO and CIO oscillator signals from the Tone to make operate on the desired frequency so that together they become a transceiver. (Hence the Parrett cannot be used on its own.) The TX has the same supply range as the RX and can share the supply protection. The design also allows for use with the Linear RF amplifier for a higher RF output. The Mini CW kit can be added to provide all the facilities for CW operation. The Parrett is normally mounted immediately behind the Tone receiver (above). The Parret price is £35.00 + S&H but when ordered with the Tone, the combined price is discounted to £75.00 + S&H
· Unavailable for now - being updated: The Cary Regenerative Receiver. A new design of the old Regen concept but with an improved physical arrangement that makes it more easily used as a self contained unit! In its simplest form it is a single band receiver for either 80 or 160m, or the bottom part of Medium Wave band. The kit includes a small speaker to get you going and it runs off a 9 volt PP3 battery or an external 12v supply. For more advanced constructors, it can be converted to 3 band operation on 20, 40 and 80m. The basic 80/160/MW kit costs £34.00 + S&H. The 3 band optional extra kit is £6.00
· The Yeo Direct Conversion Receiver. An entry level direct conversion receiver that is capable of serious communication use! The kit includes parts so that you can make it for an any single amateur band 20 to 80m; this is done with alternative capacitor combinations and changes to the VFO inductor. There is a double tuned RF filter to remove out of band signals and the audio response is designed primarily for CW but is wide enough for phone also. The kit includes a PP3 battery holder but can take any supply voltage between 9 and 16 volts DC - it includes reversed supply protection! The kit includes a small PCB mounted speaker (to get you going) but is able to drive an external 8R proper speaker or headphones. Price is £33.00 + S&H
· The Kilton CW Transmitter. A simple CW transmitter to go with the Yeo receiver. It is normally 'crystal' controlled for use as a 'seperate' whose tuning is NOT linked to the receiver. It can do any band in the range 20 to 80m using your actual crystal or a ceramic resonator. It is supplied with a 3.58 MHz ceramic resonator for 80m use, which can be pulled or tuned down over about 50 KHz with the on board tuning trimmer. When a crystal is used, the pulling tuning range will be very limited. It produces 1.5 Watts on a 13.8 volts but can use a supply in the range 9 to 16 volts. When you order it with the Yeo or Cary RX, the relay is included and that can be mounted on the RX PCB. The circuit does not provide receiver sidetone. The price is £19.00 + S&H
· The Kilmot Phone (DSB) Transmitter. This is the phone transmitter to go with the Yeo receiver! It provides double sideband (DSB) suppressed carrier phone signals which are fully compatible with any other station using upper or lower single sideband transmission - this approach makes everything rather simpler! Like the Kilton, it is normally 'crystal' controlled for use as a 'seperate' whose tuning is NOT linked to the receiver. It is intended really for use on 80m where the 3.69 MHz ceramic resonator gives a tuning range of about 50 KHz (down) using the on board tuning trimmer. (Other bands have to use crystals which makes its use very challenging!) On 80m it produces 1.5 Watts on modulation peaks with a 13.8 volts supply but can use anything in the range 9 to 16 volts. The output low pass filters are included together with provision for T/R relay control by your mike's PTT switch. Owing to lack of PCB space the T/R relay is not included, except when you order it with the Yeo or Cary RX, where there is space for the relay to be mounted. It is intended for use with the common sort of dynamic microphone. The price is £24.00
· -NEW- The FiveFET Simple Regen TRF Receiver. This is a simple Regen TRF aimed at first time builders of electronic projects interested in analogue radio. You start by making it work on medium wave, where the signals are large, so success comes easily! Then you can add the second band which would normally be 40m, where you can hear amateur stations from all around the UK and Europe. The two controls are for Tuning and setting the level of Regeneration. You will need a pair of modern medium impedance 32R phones, a PP3 battery, wire cutters, a small screwdriver and a soldering iron/solder. £24 + S&H
-WB6DHW.com http://wb6dhw.com/For_Sale.html WB6DHW carries the UHFSDR board and kit, plus several add ons and accessories.
· -NEW- UHFSDR Transceiver. The UHFSDR is a Software Defined Transceiver covering the 1.75 MHz to 700 MHz frequency range. A Si570 is used for frequency control. Two LVPECL 4 GHz max.flip flops produce I and Q LO signals at 1/2 the Si570 frequency. A pair of 1-1000MHz Double Balanced Mixers are used to convert signals to and from base band. A receiver pre-amp (2dB noise figure) and a transmit pre-amp(50mW max output) are provided as well as antennal switching plus provision for separate receive and transmit connections. There is a Yahoo Group for support. The board is $10 shipped to the USA, and a mini kit is available with some components for $40 shipped to the USA. There is an email contact listed for complete kits, but no price posted.
-Wilderness Radio. http://www.fix.net/~jparker/wild.html I emailed Bob to get status on the Wilderness Radio lineup, and was told that the SST and Sierra have been discontinued for parts availablility. The 40a is still available as well as the KC1 and Buzznot kits.
· --DISCONTINUED-- Simple Superhet Receiver (SST). The SST is an optimized, superhet rig with an extremely low parts count . This may be the easiest to build superhet ever, and it comes with a miniature custom enclosure. 2 Watts output. $90 + S&H
· Nor Cal 40a. The revision B NorCal 40A is a third-generation 40-meter QRP transceiver kit, designed by Wayne Burdick, N6KR. The rig covers any 40KHz portion of the CW band, with a very stable VFO operating in the 2MHz range. The receiver is a superhet with crystal filter, AGC, and RIT. 3 Watts output. $150 + S&H
· --DISCONTINUED-- Sierra. The Sierra is the only compact, low-current, multiband transceiver kit available. Designed by N6KR and extensively field-tested by the NorCal QRP Club, the Sierra has been completely upgraded for Wilderness Radio--including a painted and silk-screened enclosure and improved performance on both transmit and receive. Uses plug-in band modules for 80, 40, 30, 20, 17 and 15 meters. 1.5 to 3 watts depending on band. LCD display. Starts at $245 + S&H with 1 band module.
-Xtal Set Society / Midnight Science. http://www.midnightscience.com/kits.html these folks have an nice assortment of crystal and basic AM and SW kits, but also have a few kits for hams, like a dummy load and attentuators.
-YouKits http://youkits.com/. YouKits also has the well-known HB-1B QRP rig (assembled) and some accessories.
· -Coming Soon- TJ5A 5 Band SSB Transceiver. 1- 50 Watts. No other info yet
· -Coming Soon- TJ4A MK II 4 Band SSB Transceiver. No other info yet
· TJ2B MK II SSB Handheld Transceiver. This looks like an update to the TJ2A. DDS Controlled, Mini LCD Display, 5 Watts, Dual VFOs, Selectable tuning rate (1Hz, 10Hz, 100Hz, 1kHz, 10kHz, 100kHz), 40 memories. TX, 60, 40, 20, 17, and 15. RX 5-21MHz (No TX on 30). Built in speaker,mic, and PTT. Optional battery pack. Kit has all SMD parts already installed. No Price on KITS yet. Only assembled version available for now, with free battery on early orders. Assembled: $329 + S&H
· TT1A 2 Band CW Tube Transmitter Kit. This is a 2-tube 4-watt transmitter kit. Comes with crystals for 40 and 20 meters, but can operate from 60 to 20 meters with different crystals. Power supply kit coming soon, as well as custom case. $129 + S&H
· EK1A and EK1B 3 band QRP CW kits. Power output 4-5 Watts. Built in Keyer. SMD parts all finished. Assemble in about 2 hours. A model: 40, 30, and 20 Meters. B model: 20, 17 and 15 Meters. $179 + S&H
-Yoyodyne Consulting. http://www.yoyodyneconsulting.ca/ Yoyodyne sells the SR63ng, a clone of the retired SoftRock 6.3 SDR transceiver, for specific application.
· -NEW- SR63ng SDR Transceiver board. The SR63ng is a clone of the older 6.3 version of Tony Parks' Softrock transceiver. This is not meant to compete with Tony's newer products, but is available for use with the MOBO, a board that turns a 6.3 softrock into an all band SDR transceiver. $CAN 66.50 shipped to the USA or Canada.
-Zao.jp. http://zao.jp/radio/order/ Zao has one kit currently available. He is also the source for the pre-built Soft66 SDR radios (currently selling new version LC4) which is one of the lowest-priced pre-built SDR receivers on the market. Getting it running is a challenge I hear, but performs well for the money once you do.
· Soft66Lite. Small monoband SDR that can be built for different ranges depending on the bandpass components installed. Easily switchable by plugging in homemade bp modules setup on IC sockets. $20 shipped to USA
Well put together post with a host of work and great links for a kit builder!!
Thanks for taking the time to put this together and sharing it with the blog world.
Good job Neil but you don't have the Widget and SR63ng from Canada, the MOBO or the UHFSDR. I don't think I saw the Cube either.
My name is Jason NT7S and I have a small kit biz that currently has a couple of ham radio kits out. The first is a new superhet receiver for 40 meters called the CRX1. The other is a multimode QRSS transmitter. You can find my website at www.etherkit.com
Jason, I'll add you as soon as I can. Funny thing: I had stumbled across your site and forgot to put you on the list. I remembered and emailed myself a reminder today about an hour before you commented. Nice looking products.
you did a great job on this! i am searching around for a transceiver of some simple form to get back on the air (been off for many years sadly) thank you for taking the time to do this!
73 mike ab7ru
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