Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Handout for Raspberry Pi, SDR, and ADS-B presentation LIMARC 5/8/2013

This is a copy of the handout from the LIMARC meeting presentation on 5/8/2013

Here are links to the presentation in PPTX and PDF formats



Neil’s Blog (FOFIO!):  neilgoldstein.net
Radio Kit Guide: radiokitguide.com
Xiegu X1M:  kightradio.com  importcommunications.com (wouxun.us)

Raspberry Pi: raspberrypi.org
Best media center for RPi (RASPBMC):  raspbmc.com
Purchase one!:  I got mine from Allied Electronics www.alliedelec.com/images/products/mkt/pb/rasp/rasp.aspx
WiFi and Sound Card (USB) both available at MicroCenter.  Almost any of them will work.  I used the $10 USB sound card and a generic WiFi dongle

Accessories on eBay and Allied, and many other sources.  Google is your friend!

SDR# (for RTL-SDR Dongle): sdrsharp.com
Setup for ADSB and RTL-SDR on Raspberry Pi:

This next one has a step that was left out of the others and caused me some issues: