Friday, June 04, 2010
Praise for Ebay radio seller TQUCHINA
(Redsun RP2000) from Ebay. I had been waiting for the Ebay seller tquchina to offer them again. The tracking info states that China Post sent the item on May 18th, but no further info. I fired off a quick email to tquchina asking for clarification that the item was still on its way. I know that ordering items from Asia through Ebay does sometimes take awhile, but my experiences have usually been better than this.
Tquchina responded this morning explaining that the item was tied up in customs due to extra security in place for the Asia Games. He then offered to refund the shipping portion of the sale. I haven't responded yet, but intend to decline his offer of a discount, and thank him for the rapid and polite response. I wish all business dealings in life were this good.
Sent from my BlackBerry®
Tuesday, June 01, 2010
Questions about streaming audio on the Blackberry

One of my favorite blogs, Herculodge, had been posting links to my radio-related posts here. After my post about listening to radio on the Blackberry, a reader named Keith posted the following question:
Neil, wouldn't it be simpler and cheaper to just listen to a radio when you're above ground, and switch to an mp3 player when you go underground?
I've always been a broadcast radio listener, and probably always will be, as long as it still exists, but web radio and podcasts are a fun alternative.
Here is my reply:
Listening to regular radio stations on the train has proved to be a bit difficult. My commute is about 40 miles on the LIRR. There's too much RFI for AM stations until I get about half way into the trip where the NYC stations are closer, and forget about any shortwave. FM, is the same issue as AM, and if I start out listening to the NPR station I get at home, I eventually lose it about 20-30 minutes later. When I switch to the next available NPR station, the programming is time-shifted so that I sometimes hear the same stories again. Streaming allows me to listen to anything with very minor interruptions.
There's also something cool about listening to a station half way around the world from a place where we never could before. I guess this is what attracted many of us to the radio hobby in the first place.
Years ago, I was in sales and drove for a living. I had a Y-splitter on my car antenna, and used to put the SONY 2010 on the passenger seat on long trips patched in to the car stereo. I do this in the car now with the Blackberry. Where it's really nice is driving upstate, which I do quite often, and keeping whatever station I had on in the city streaming as I drive out of range. Also, music from Pandora, Slacker, and Radio Paradise, etc., is nice to have on the road instead of local radio at times. There are places where the choices are getting awful with companies like Clear Channel buying everything in sight.
Photo: David Reeves, Flickr
Friday, May 28, 2010
Satisfying my radio hobby with a Blackberry

About 2 hours and 20 minutes of every work day is spent commuting on the LIRR. This isn't as bad as it sounds. First of all, the trains are comfortable and rarely full on the line I take. Plus, since my destination is actually in Queens (I take the subway from there to work) I have a usable data stream for most of the trip. Crossing into Manhattan leaves you in "radio silence" for anywhere from 10 to 20 minutes.
I can remember trying to hack together a way to listen to streaming radio on the first Blackberry that AOL issued me. I was spoiled from my Windows Mobile device which would stream almost anything (with the assistance of an app called TCPMP). This proved to be close to impossible, even with one or more of the cludgy apps that had appeared to try to work around the shortcomings of those earlier devices. As the devices and BB OS revisions evolved though, so did the streaming abilities.
BB OS version 5 and up now offers many options. Some in the form of apps, but direct streaming seems to work sporadically too. The challenge of trying to find a way to get certain streams to work has added a level of difficulty to the process that makes it interesting. So instead of trying to wade through QRM and adjacent channel interference, I'm looking for ways to hack pls files and other stream links.
Several apps, most in BB app world, make this easier. Flycast offers a nice directory by area and genre, and offers podcasts, and other little extras. Some of the stations even allow for timeshifting. The paid version allows downloading and offline listening.
Nobex Radio Companion started as a way to look up what was playing on a radio station, and then added a streaming feature for most stations. Although not as reliable as other choices, there are stations here I cannot find anywhere else.
CBS and AOL have radio apps from the same developer. I've heard good things about these but cannot try them as they seem to only work on certain BB devices for now.
For podcasting I like Stitcher. Although the search too gets a bit strange, I have been able to find most podcasts I like in their directory and they cache quickly. Very useful for loading just before heading on to the subway.
The browser itself works too. By itself, certain streams work right from the links. A good example is Radio Paradise. Others can be obtained through (formerly known as Moodio). You create an account on your computer and then add stations through a search function. Then your stations show up on a custom mobile page that streams well to BB's.
I have an iPhone coming soon, so I may revise this a bit, but I hope this helps a bit for some of you BB radio fans out there. Happy listening.
Sent from my BlackBerry®
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Living with the Kchibo D96L DSP Radio

I purchased a Kchibo D96L DSP Radio awhile back on Ebay. The D96L is probably the best of Kchibo's DSP offerings, all based on the Silicon Labs si4734 DSP chip used in the Grundig G8, and Tecsun PL-310, PL-380, and several other radios. I also own a Degen DE1123 based on this chip (to be reviewed at a later date). This was an evaluation model sent to a radio reviewer, and was barely used. I like the radio a lot, but have a few reservations. Here are my views on this model: (reception results from the north shore of Long Island)
Monday, May 17, 2010

So I ended up with the department iPad for the weekend. I thought I would give some thoughts on how it worked.
As much as I really enjoyed this thing though, there are things I think I want to change before I would plunk down the cash. It definitely needs multitasking. Just as with the iPhone, it would be nice to be able to play music from Pandora while browsing the web. I think this is coming though. Some sort of USB connectivity, or card reader would be nice. I know Apple doesn't want to give us a real filesystem, but even something app-embedded would be good for grabbing pics, video, and music off of an external device of some sort. A front facing camera would work very well for conferencing. I'm still surprised that they left that out.
As much as I would like the 3G model, I really don't need more monthly service charges from a second carrier. I think I would invest in the EVO 4G phone when it comes this summer and create a wifi hot spot instead. As far as the Flash argument that this device seems to have precipitated, I agree with Apple's take on Flash. That said, it would still be nice to have Flash support for now, at least until Apple wins the war. While browsing the Sunday sale ads I found one that didn't have an HTML fallback mode and could not be read.
I can see myself buying one. Maybe 2nd generation though. Anyone else care to chime in?
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Adventures in healthy eating, part 2: Almond meal

I love bread. Anyone who had attempted a low carb diet knows what kind of low carb options there are for bread lovers. With that said, I have heard that there are ways to get around this. I have been buying almond meal at Trader Joe's for a bit now. I use it in place of bread crumbs, and sometimes flour. So far I have made cookies, crackers, cake, and used it to bread chicken, and fish. Jill used it in her meatballs last night, and although they didn't hold together quite as well as the usual ones, they were quite good.
I've also made a wonderful bread-machine bread from a mixture of almond meal, flax meal, and wheat gluten. I found the original recipe here at recipe zaar, but used almond meal in place of the soy flour, and added about 1/4 teaspoon more yeast. Also, I recommend sifting the dry ingredients in an OLD FASHIONED SIFTER only. The almond and flax meals will clog up and ruin the new style ones. Sift as much as you can and dump the unsiftables into the bread machine too for texture. I used the rapid yeast and the rapid setting on my Hitachi bread machine. The results were very good, and add up to about 2 grams net carbs per slice, if you get about 10 slices out of it.
Adventures in healthy eating

After relocating to Long Island, and considering this move to be permanent, I figured it was time to find a new doctor. I really do love the P.A. I used to see in Kingston, but living 2 hours from your doctor is not very convenient. I looked in the local guides and found a physician who had good reviews on various sites.
During the three months of unemployment I experienced, my already bad eating habits got much worse. I didn't fast for the first blood test either which led to dangerously high triglyceride levels and sugar too. Even though the fasting numbers probably wouldn't have been quite as bad, it was a wake-up call to start eating healthier. I immediately began cutting carbohydrates and fat from the diet. My adjustments to carbs are definitely more drastic than fat, but the results are showing.
I have more energy. Clothes are starting to fit better. I think I'm at the stage where my face has thinned out a bit because people are starting to notice. I've done this before, but it feels different this time. I've taken an approach that satisfies me in a whole new way. So, how did I do this?
Being a man of science, I've taken the challenge of creating healthy and interesting meals to new levels. I have become the Mad Scientist of the Kitchen. I also look at this differently than most people. I tell everyone that I AM NOT DIETING. This is not a diet. Diets fail. This is a change of lifestyle. It's the challenge to create these crazy foods, in combination with avoiding the things that will eventually kill me, and increasing the activity level. So far the only time I've weighed myself is at the doctors office. It seems that I've lost about 14 pounds so far, but who's counting?
So, I will start to post some of the things I've come up with here. maybe someone else can benefit from my new outlook. Bon Appetit!
Friday, April 30, 2010
Changes, Changes....

OK. I bounced, and landed. I seem to have landed in a good place though. I am working in the Sloan Kettering Institute, which is the research arm of the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. Considering how cancer has affected my family over the last few years (and even before this if you count the fact that both of my grandmothers died of cancer) this seems like a good place for me. I get to be a part of the cure, in an indirect way, but it still feels good. I wonder if there is more to this than just chance?